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장황한 줄거리를 간단히 요약하는 것도 줄거리를 줄이는 방법 가운데 하나인데, 경판 35장본에서 「남원고사」의 줄거리를 요약한 곳이 단락 68의 어사와 농부의 수작 대목이다. 이 대목이 어떻게 요약되었는지 살펴본다.모든 농부드리 어싶링 보고 모도 모혀 둘너안짜 우슴거리 밑들 져의 이분다 어딪 삼나 요런 밑시 구경힝소 실 팔나 단니시오 망건 압흔 덜 힝습나 힝멱산이 어즈럽소 동힝러진 말 뉘게다가 힝노 약계 모롱이링 헐고 병풍 뒤힝셔 잠짜다가 왓습나 이 싶람들 그만두소 보와힝니 그리야도 쳤힝칠셰 당초의다 외입힝고 션이 노던 왈짜로셰 의복 힝은 그러힝나 옷거리다 졔법일셰 짜시다 담빛딪 졍장을 몃번이나 맛나다오 이 싶람들 가만두소 져런 싶람 무셔우니 아닌밤의 단니다가 츙화힝기 남의 집의 드러가셔 무삼 물건 도져힝기 일슈니라 이 잎 이것 귀경힝라 박조가리 관짜로다 엽구리링 힝 지링며 이 잎 보소 마다힝오 …107자 생략… 힝 한 놈 다다링며 힝다 말이 에라 에라 그만 두라 모양 거록힝옵시다(남원 356∼357쪽)

This paper proposes to find the significance of the change between rental book and blockprinted book in [Chunhyang-jon]. The results are as follows: The original lengthy story, "Namwonkosa" was drastically shortened into 35 blockprints (known as the "Kyongp'an-35jang-pon") in Seoul to ensure low-cost printing. In this process, the editor chose what was to be omitted, abbreviated, and summarized. Other parts were added and alternated. The editor's changes gave the story a more conservative bent which was reflected in the "Kyongp'an-35jang-pon". Reason being, he knew that his book was to be printed and sold to the general public through bookstores, and no longer was it to be rented as a manuscript among private networks. So he removed the colloquial puns, the criticisms of Yangban and their political power, and the general lewdness that existed in the original story of the rental book, [Namwonkosa].

This paper proposes to find the significance of the change between rental book and blockprinted book in [Chunhyang-jon]. The results are as follows: The original lengthy story, "Namwonkosa" was drastically shortened into 35 blockprints (known as the "Kyongp'an-35jang-pon") in Seoul to ensure low-cost printing. In this process, the editor chose what was to be omitted, abbreviated, and summarized. Other parts were added and alternated. The editor's changes gave the story a more conservative bent which was reflected in the "Kyongp'an-35jang-pon". Reason being, he knew that his book was to be printed and sold to the general public through bookstores, and no longer was it to be rented as a manuscript among private networks. So he removed the colloquial puns, the criticisms of Yangban and their political power, and the general lewdness that existed in the original story of the rental book, [Namwonkosa].