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본 논문은 고려후기 漕運制의 변화양상에 대해서 순차적으로 살펴보았다. 그것의 주요 골자는 조운 운영기반의 손실, 漕倉 기능의 약화·소멸, 郡縣 주도의 조운활동, 왜구의 약탈과 조운 복구책의 추진 등이다. 고려전기의 조운 형태인 漕倉制는 13세기 후반에 이르러 파행적 운영이 심해졌다. 주요 원인은 12세기 이래의 사회경제적 변동과 13세기 중후반 三別抄세력과 元朝의 조운 운영기반의 약탈이었다. 이러한 조운 운영기반의 손실은 곧바로 조운 거점인 漕倉의 기능 약화로 이어졌다. 이러한 상황 속에서 朝廷은 조운 업무를 개별 郡縣에 전가하여 稅穀 운수활동을 유지하고자 하였다. 이에 따라 조운 운영형태도 변하게 되는데, 私船집단의 雇用, 徭役의 物納化 등을 추측할 수 있다. 14세기에 들어 군현별 조운활동을 통해 수습되어 가던 조운체제는 왜구의 약탈로 인해 또다시 난관에 부딪쳤다. 원활한 조운을 위해 시도된 여러 복구책에 이어 수축된 漕轉城은 고려후기 이래로 약화되었던 조운의 집약성을 되찾는 계기가 되었다. 당시의 조운 복구책은 국가재정 운영에 도움을 주었을 뿐 아니라, 조선왕조로 계승되어 조운시스템 정비의 출발점이 되었다.

This thesis examined chronological changes in “the shipping system of grain paid as a tax (漕運制)”. The thesis’ subjects are a loss of foundation for transporting “grain paid as a tax”, a weakening of the function of “a warehouse for grain paid as a tax (漕倉)”, a plundering of Japanese raiders, a drawing up of measures to restore “the shipping system of taxes in kind”, and so on. “The warehousing system for grain paid as a tax (漕倉制)”, which had been organized to transport grain paid as a tax in the first half of the Goryeo period, was unable to function properly in the latter part of the 13th-century. Its failure was mainly due to social and economic changes beginning in the 12th-century and a plundering of economic resources to operate its system by rebel forces of Sambyeolcho (三別抄) and the Yuan Dynasty in the middle and the latter periods of the 13th-century. A loss of its economic resources led at once to a weakening of the warehouse for “grain paid as a tax”. In order to resolve the economic crisis, the Royal Court endeavored to maintain the work transporting grain paid as a tax, passing the responsibility of its management to individual counties and prefectures. It seems that there were changes in operating its system, such as the payment of taxes through private ownership of boats instead of through statute labor. The system that was established though management of individual counties and prefectures was in trouble once again following the plundering of Japanese raiders in the 14th-century. Many measures taken to efficiently transport the “grain paid as a tax”, particularly “granary surrounded by a rampart (漕轉城)” contributed to the recovery of the shipping system of grain paid as a tax that had been weakening since the latter part of the Goryeo period. They also helped to improve the nation's financial status. Furthermore, they set the stage to organize a system which transported “grain paid as a tax” in the Joseon Dynasty.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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Warehousing System for Grain Paid as a Tax(漕倉制), Foundation for Transporting Grain Paid as a Tax, Privately Owned Boat(私船), Management of “the Shipping System of Grain Paid as a Tax” by Individual Counties and Prefectures, Japanese Raiders, Granary Surrounded by a Rampart(漕轉城)