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본 연구는 한국 古代의 여신을 이해하기 위한 기초 작업으로서 여신을 일정 기준으로 분류․유형화하고, 유형의 역사적 성격에 기초하여 여신 유형의 先後를 밝히는 데 목적을 두었다. 기존 연구에서 여신은 고대에서 조선시대까지 이르는 천년 이상의 시대적 거리에 있으면서도 같은 선상에서 논의되어 왔다. 그러나 각각의 여신 유형은 일시에 생겨났거나 우연히 형성되지 않았으며, 특수한 역사적 상황과 배경 아래 형성된, 창작 주체의 심리적 결과물이다. ‘神格 획득방식’을 기준으로 분류하면 유형의 역사성이 드러나는 장점이 있다. 신격 획득방식은 개별자가 보편자의 표지인 ‘神格’을 어떻게 획득했는지를 보여주는, 다른 서사 장르와 다른 신화만의 정체성을 보여주는 지표이고, 人性과 神性의 분기점을 보여주기에 분류 기준으로 적합하다. 서사의 전반부와 후반부에서 신의 위상에 변함이 없는 유형을 絶對神이라고 할 때 이는 ‘자연신’과 ‘여성 거인’으로 나뉘며, 반면 존재의 위상이 변하는 신은 ‘입사의례(initiation)를 통한 여신’과 ‘트라우마(trauma)를 승화한 여신’으로 나뉜다. 본고에서는 이 유형을, 생명과 반대되는 부정적인 의미를 가지고 있다는 뜻을 취해 黑神으로 범주화하였다. 앞으로 시대 조명이 정밀하게 이루어져야 하겠으나 현재 연구 수준에서 여신 유형의 역사적 先後는 대체로 자연신, 여성 거인(고대국가 건국 전, BC 1세기 전), 어머니 자연신(고대국가 건국 당시, BC 1세기 경), 입사의례를 통한 여신(고대국가 건국 후, BC 1세기 후), 트라우마를 승화한 여신(고대국가 발전기, 5세기 이후)의 순서로 배열 가능하다.

Goddesses received little scholarly attention in Korea until the 1990s: gods and myths from the ancient kingdoms drew more attention. The material relating to Korean goddesses still needs to be collected and organized, and a general description of their characteristics must be made. This study pursues two main themes: categorizing goddess types and examining the historical order of each type. This study examined the goddesses that were part of the ancient shamanistic worldview before it was influenced by Buddhism, from before c.C1 BC until c.C9 AD. In previous research, goddesses have not been categorized by consistent criteria, and their historic characteristics have not yet been well established. In this study, the criterion used for categorizing the goddesses is how a personage acquires divinity. How a personage gets divinity is a core concern of myths. Among many types of narratives, only myths deal with the relationship between divine beings and personages as their main theme. The relationship has changed over time and the changes are reflected in other narrative genres, such as folktales and Korean classical novels. The types of goddess are displayed below. [표] An absolute goddess is always and constantly divine in mythological narrative, while ‘Transferred goddesses’ change from a non-divine being into a divine being. Absolute goddesses are divine in their very essence, while the Transferred goddesses construct their divinity through ritual process. Most nature goddesses were mountain goddesses. The Goddess Nature, who had existed before the ancient kingdoms such as proto-Chosun, Koguryeo, Kaya and Silla, became the king's mother at the time of their foundation. With the goddess as his mother, the king's political power increased and was effective in society. After the first king, the Goddess Nature became a spouse, such as the Goddess Unjesan. The wonder of woman’s creativity was embodied as a powerful female giant with a huge body. Mythic subjects signified invisible femininity and divinity as giant. Like the Goddess Nature, the giant goddess is divinity is an existential feature. Most spouses of ancient kings were goddesses who gained divinity through an initiation process by which, mythic subjects presumed human defects could be amended by divinity. Around 400 A.D. a dead woman in trauma was transformed into a goddess. The woman was not related to a divine being, but attained divinity through the sublimation of trauma, which was a new way a human woman could become divine. In this regard, defined the Goddess type 'Black Divine(黑神) in this study. The Goddess Chisulsan is the first and only case of this category discovered so far. Understanding Korean ancient goddesses aids the understanding of East Asian goddesses and femininity in early Asian civilizations. Comparisons between goddesses from Korean and East Asian countries, and between femininity and masculinity in divine beings would be useful subjects of future research.