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본고의 작성목적은 『慧苑音義』음운체계 분석의 기초 자료로의 활용과 『廣韻』이외 의 반절 자료의 발굴 및 제시에 있다. 이를 위해 본고에서는 『慧苑音義』반절하자를 『廣 韻』과 비교하여 분류하였고 다음과 같은 특징을 분석해내었다. 첫째, 용자의 차이, 둘째, 피절자의 又音을 통한 주음, 셋째, 순음 성모의 개합구 혼란현상, 넷째 반절하자 혼절 현 상. 특히 이 중 반절하자 혼절 현상은 음운변화를 반영하고 있었는데, 본고에서는 이를 통해 重韻의 병합현상, 4등 개음의 발생, 麻운과 歌운의 분화 시기 등에 대해 기존설과 차별되는 논의를 진행할 수 있었다.

This study has been devoted to the establishment of the phonological system of HuiyuanYinyi(慧苑音義). To analyze the sound system of HuiyuanYinyi, this study first of all was used with the turn and cuts(反切) that there were existed in the HuiyuanYinyi. By comparing with Guangyun (廣韻), we determinated the classification and characteristics of finals in the HuiyuanYinyi. Above characteristics were discussed in three groups: The characteristics of finals; 1. the mixture of round vowel and unround vowel under labial initials, 2. the mixture of Shan(山)/Shan(刪), Ying (暎)Zheng(諍) and Gan(敢)/Gan(感) finals by the similarity of the final, 3. the mixture by the birth of medial of division 4, 4. the division of Ma(麻운) and Ge(歌운) finals.

This study has been devoted to the establishment of the phonological system of HuiyuanYinyi(慧苑音義). To analyze the sound system of HuiyuanYinyi, this study first of all was used with the turn and cuts(反切) that there were existed in the HuiyuanYinyi. By comparing with Guangyun (廣韻), we determinated the classification and characteristics of finals in the HuiyuanYinyi. Above characteristics were discussed in three groups: The characteristics of finals; 1. the mixture of round vowel and unround vowel under labial initials, 2. the mixture of Shan(山)/Shan(刪), Ying (暎)Zheng(諍) and Gan(敢)/Gan(感) finals by the similarity of the final, 3. the mixture by the birth of medial of division 4, 4. the division of Ma(麻운) and Ge(歌운) finals.