초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This article covers a contrastive analysis on Korean and Chinese linguistic structures with aspect marker ‘le了’. The results of this study are as follows:‘le’Related Syntactic Structures examples Semantic category of Chinese Chinese Markers Semantic category of Korean Korean Markers X+了+{Y}他天還沒亮的時候就吃了飯。他吃了兩小時的飯。Aspect_[Perfective _{finish}] X+了+Y。Tense_[past] -았{었}다. 這本書我看了一天了。Aspect_[Perfective _{wrap-up/finish}] X+了+Y+了。Tense_[past+(lin king particle)]-았{었}다. -았{었}+는데…X+了+X 既然這麼想奶奶,怎麼三年多了才回來!明天吃了飯再走。Aspect_[Perfective _{wrap-up}] Xi+了…Xj…。Modality_[order] -고서(야)…-고 나서…我看了看錶,離八點還有十四分鐘。 Aspect_[Perfective _{wrap-up}] Xi+了+Xi…。Modality_[try] -보고(는)…-어 보니…
키워드열기/닫기 버튼
contrastive analysis, aspect marker, syntactic structures, episememe, semantic features, episememe, le了