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근래 내·외적 정책환경의 급변과 더불어 정부정책실패가 논의의 초점으로 부각되기 시작하며 정부의 부분적이고 단편적 정책관리가 정책실패의 주요인으로 지적되고 있다. 이는 정책추진 전 과정에 걸친 체계적인 정책관리방안의 제도적 기반마련의 필요성이 제기되는 이유이기도 하다. 이러한 배경 하에 정부정책의 실수·실책을 최소화하자는 총체적인 정부의 노력 및 활동으로 정책품질관리제도가 중앙부처 중심으로 도입되어 2005.2.16일 국무총리 훈령 제462호로 “정책품질관리규정”이 제정되었다. 본 논문은 정책품질에 대한 충분한 논의의 장을 마련하기 위한 의도에서 출발했으며, 정책품질의 전반전인 내용과 성격을 분석하고 그 특징을 정리해보고자 했다. 정책품질관리제도는 시행상의 추진력을 얻기 위해 제도적 장치들이 마련되어있으며 그 성격상 사전평가와 과정평가 결과평가의 부분 부분을 포함하고 있다고 볼 수 있다. 무엇보다도 정책품질관리제도는 학습효과를 강조함으로서 공무원들의 정책능력을 강화하고 정책실패를 최소화하는데 초점이 맞추어져 있음은 분명하다고 하겠다.

The government’s partial and fragmented policy management has recently been pointed out with the current focus on policy failure. Therefore, as part of preventing policy failure, there is a need to prepare a systemic base that can improve policy efficiency by establishingand conducting policy quality management over all decision-making processes. Against this background, a policy quality management system has been introduced as a comprehensive effort and activity by the central government for its core functions, but the reality is that the understanding of the system is still superficial. This paper intends to provide a place for full deliberation on the policy quality, but it is definite that this paper, more than anything else, will focus on how the policy quality management system enhances the policy capability of officials and minimizes policy failure based on the analysis of overall content.

The government’s partial and fragmented policy management has recently been pointed out with the current focus on policy failure. Therefore, as part of preventing policy failure, there is a need to prepare a systemic base that can improve policy efficiency by establishingand conducting policy quality management over all decision-making processes. Against this background, a policy quality management system has been introduced as a comprehensive effort and activity by the central government for its core functions, but the reality is that the understanding of the system is still superficial. This paper intends to provide a place for full deliberation on the policy quality, but it is definite that this paper, more than anything else, will focus on how the policy quality management system enhances the policy capability of officials and minimizes policy failure based on the analysis of overall content.