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This present paper examines the de-centering effect of peripheral Postmodernism in one of the most fascinating Latin American authors of our times, Diamela Eltit and her work Los vigilantes(1994). Diamela Eltit’s works indicate the subaltern subjects who are marginalized individuals silenced by various different forms of violence. Also its political and economic context inevitably is related to the First World or as Los vigilantes indicates Western Forces(Fuerza de Occidente), supported by the Latin Americans who worship it and voluntarily want to be the second class citizens of the West(Occiendente secundario). In this context, the present paper examines Eltit’s criticism of the epistemological violence of neoliberal power toward the marginalized and its ways of silencing them. Under the Giorgio Agamben’s term of biopolitics and bare life, it examines the subtle mechanisms that neoliberal States employ to silence the marginalized in Los vigilantes.

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디아멜라 엘팃/『로스 비힐란테스』/ 신경제주의 하의 문학/ 생정치/ 소외계층 침묵시키기