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In the history development of Latin America where the depth of skin color and the social status are overlapped, the leadership of African descendants contributed to the realization of the founding principles of a nation has been deleted. In the middle of this erased history, Nieto (Juan José Nieto Gil: 1805-1866), the only black president of Columbia, is in existence. The African descendants clearly recognized that their skin color was the impediment to assimilate to the white-centered racism society caused by the experience of colonial slavery system. So the black leaders who can write and read used their writings as the means of self-consciousness and self-expression and regarded it as an act of proclaiming their will. At the same time, writing was the means to inform that black people is also intellectual and virtuous like white people. Nieto was also the representative black elite in 19thcentury who had expressed his belief through various writing activities. This research is to understand his thinking about the racial prejudice and equality toward the descendants of Africa which was deeply rooted in society on the basis of his main writings, and through this, to consider the social consciousness and the erased leadership of black elite in the 19th century which was reduced or concealed.