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Accoring to Samguksagi[三國史記] Wangheungsa Temple[王興寺] was established by King Beop[法王, r. 599~600] in 600. But according to Wangheungsa’s Sarihamgi which was discovered three years ago, it was established by King Widok[威德王, r.554~598] for his dead son in 577. He located the temple on the north slope of Sabi river in order to look at it frequently. King Wiodk’s establishment of Wangheungsa is only Ipchal[立刹], erecting pillar. In fact we don’t know the temple’s original name. In 600 King Beop reestablished Wangheungsa and changed its name to Wangheungsa. He wanted to express his regrets at his death and hoped to make a dream of Buddha’s land. But King Beop couldn’t complete it before his death. King Mu[武王, r.600~641] carried on the project left unfinished by her father to complete it. King Mu changed its name to Mireksa Temple[彌勒寺] to succeed his father in his Buddha’s land hoped that his father could ascend to Dosol heaven.