초록 열기/닫기 버튼

In the early modern ages, Korean literature was known as transplantation literature for indiscreetly adopting and imitating western literature. In children’s literature, old stories such as folk tales were taken as the origin of a fairy tale with folk children’s songs as the root of children’s song. This kind of phenomena was observed in Nam-Seon Choi’s children’s magazine (ex: ‘Children – BOY,’ ‘Red Jeogori’), ‘Children’ published in 1923 and in Dong-A Daily and Chosun Daily articles. With recognition of absolute category of children’s literature as story literature, folk children’s song instead of creative children’s song was mostly introduced in terms of children’s song. In other words, it was believed that children’s literature originated from old stories or songs (ex: folk tales or songs) at that time. Because children’s literature was placed in the category of traditional patterns such as old stories and songs, children’s poetry with folk tales and standard rhythms was also found. The tendency to give birth to new literature through Korean traditional literature actually began in Korean folk poetry during the 1920s. This paper investigated the spirit of the times on horizontal exchange with folk poetry by reviewing the meaning of Korean literary history in children’s songs.

In the early modern ages, Korean literature was known as transplantation literature for indiscreetly adopting and imitating western literature. In children’s literature, old stories such as folk tales were taken as the origin of a fairy tale with folk children’s songs as the root of children’s song. This kind of phenomena was observed in Nam-Seon Choi’s children’s magazine (ex: ‘Children – BOY,’ ‘Red Jeogori’), ‘Children’ published in 1923 and in Dong-A Daily and Chosun Daily articles. With recognition of absolute category of children’s literature as story literature, folk children’s song instead of creative children’s song was mostly introduced in terms of children’s song. In other words, it was believed that children’s literature originated from old stories or songs (ex: folk tales or songs) at that time. Because children’s literature was placed in the category of traditional patterns such as old stories and songs, children’s poetry with folk tales and standard rhythms was also found. The tendency to give birth to new literature through Korean traditional literature actually began in Korean folk poetry during the 1920s. This paper investigated the spirit of the times on horizontal exchange with folk poetry by reviewing the meaning of Korean literary history in children’s songs.