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At the year of 1478 the Holy See granted papal permission for the establishment of the Inquisition in the regions of Castilla and of Aragón under the authorities of the christian kings, Isabel de Castilla y Fernando de Aragón who had wanted to reunify the iberian peninsula with the crusade spirituality. Since that symbolic year the Spanish Modern Inquisition started his obsessive and immoderate role to get rid of the impure elements such as judaism, muslim, albigenses, waldenses, cathari, etc. Its' most important role was cleaning and purifying the blood that had been considered religiously contaminated by the false conversion. In fact, in iberian peninsula there were many jews who had just converted officially to survive in the spanish regions, but not to live as christians. The Spanish Modern Inquisition was not allowed of the right to investigate the jews, muslims and other pagans if they were not converted to christianity. So, the only thing that the Inquisition could do was just accusing the false converts and persecute them as they would have deserved. Finally at the year of 1492 the spanish kingdom could make the political-religious decision for a Massive Expulsion of the Jews who had not accepted the true conversion to the christianity. As a matter of fact the false conversion of the jews offered to the Spanish Modern Inquisition the moral and religious justifiability in condemning the Jews as a parasite on the Recently Reunited Spanish Christian Community that tended to anti-judaism.

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