초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This article draws on the relationship between Koreans and the Central Asian People in view of the integral effect of road constructions. The discussion involves the mention of the exchange with Sogdiana through the Silk Road, exchange through Steppe Road and Sable Road, road of Korean deportation to Central Asia and the New Silk Road. Thus, this article examines the modern perspective on the historical significance and function of road infrastructure The improved means of travel and communication brought about by this innovation are essential to the understanding and cooperation that has been evident among peoples. We have only to think of the progress that mirrors South Korea as a model of economic success, and the advancement auxiliary to it. Road and transportation network served as a medium for various tools of collaboration to be distributed and commoditized. It is considered that the relevance of both globalization and localization constitutes a sense of individual identity to national solidarity and a focus on development as a centralized yet globally competitive country. It forces us even more to establish the status of the future unified Korea in the world and preserve and expand the life and identity of Koreans in the relation to other nations.