초록 열기/닫기 버튼


In this thesis, I examine the Korean modern novels in 1920s ~1930s through the problematic of sexuality. For the male intellectuals who always represented as the modern self in modern novels, sexuality is treated with morals and self-consciousness of their own, while sexuality of women and subalterns is expressed the intemperate and instinctive. It means that modern novels had shared colonialism with Japanese Imperialism. Colonialism is as a self-consciousness of the West that run into colonial despoliation and management in the Orient after 18 century, which is a recognition that the colonizer regards the colonized as a inferior being than. Colonialism is a culture shared between the colonizer and the colonized. Sexuality in modern novels of Korea shows this clearly. Standardizing geography and race, the colonizer constructed the rank of "civilization" and justified discrimination and government against the colonized. Similarly, self-definition of modern intellectuals in colony Chosun was based on the concept of civilization. In the interior of colony, modern intellectuals, high ranking in terms of "civilization", only replaced the standards of the colonizer by gender and class . In short, internalizing colonialism, they made women and subalterns "interior colony."