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This papers examined on comparing of the 2008's general elections between Italy and Korea. Berlusconi that was the italian Prime Minister in 1994 and 2001 one more time is successfully reached on the political power at the 2008's general election after the government of Center-Conservative and Moderate-Left. There are some of discussions and researches on the factors that Berlusconi and his personal, if it permits to calling it, his political party 'People of Liberty' could be successful to take the political power on the 2008's general election. In this paper researching goals we treat of four determinative factors. The first is that of the internal and external subjective conditions from which could be raised the present political situations. The second is that of the 2008.s general election produce interesting results which could be compared of its meaning and significances between Italy and Korea. The third is that of confirm of which was true that the effects of 2008's general election should sweep away all those negative particular sulpolitical-cultural factors in Italy-for example, Catholicism, Anti-Communism, Clientelism, Trasformism, Mafia, etc.-substituted in Media Populism representing from Berlusconi as a political man. At the conclusion will descript the present political situation with the characters of Berlusconi's government in order to comparing of the mentioned factors. Berlusconi's government started with some internal conflicts at to the distribution of cabinet ministers and change the almost national political systems. The problem is that the italian economy could not overcome the above conditions without widespread support of the electorate and the Berlusconi's government may confront the danger of collapse in due time. If it will not be the case, Italian politics will show another series of instabilities and similar situation of Korea.

This papers examined on comparing of the 2008's general elections between Italy and Korea. Berlusconi that was the italian Prime Minister in 1994 and 2001 one more time is successfully reached on the political power at the 2008's general election after the government of Center-Conservative and Moderate-Left. There are some of discussions and researches on the factors that Berlusconi and his personal, if it permits to calling it, his political party 'People of Liberty' could be successful to take the political power on the 2008's general election. In this paper researching goals we treat of four determinative factors. The first is that of the internal and external subjective conditions from which could be raised the present political situations. The second is that of the 2008.s general election produce interesting results which could be compared of its meaning and significances between Italy and Korea. The third is that of confirm of which was true that the effects of 2008's general election should sweep away all those negative particular sulpolitical-cultural factors in Italy-for example, Catholicism, Anti-Communism, Clientelism, Trasformism, Mafia, etc.-substituted in Media Populism representing from Berlusconi as a political man. At the conclusion will descript the present political situation with the characters of Berlusconi's government in order to comparing of the mentioned factors. Berlusconi's government started with some internal conflicts at to the distribution of cabinet ministers and change the almost national political systems. The problem is that the italian economy could not overcome the above conditions without widespread support of the electorate and the Berlusconi's government may confront the danger of collapse in due time. If it will not be the case, Italian politics will show another series of instabilities and similar situation of Korea.