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Quintilian, the author of Institutio Oratoria. is a Roman successful teacher of rhetoric. His Institutio Oratoria is a source of ancient education and particularly of western ancient rhetoric. It was a textbook to educate perfectus orator. He defines perfectus orator as vir bonus who not only has exceptional powers of speech, but also all the virtues of character. He is the product of education acting on nature. So I think that his opinions of the pre-rhetoric stages of education are considered more important than later material. This article aimed at investigating his opinions of the Institutio Oratoria, 1, 1-3. and demanding the meaning and importance of his ideas in the history of western education. The gist of what he said is as follows. Firstly, he claims that all human beings have an inherent tendency to virtus and first education, speaking training should begin when baby. So nurces,mother, and peers are important to their language training, to say nothing of father. Secondly, he advises to the boy entrust to school and teacher, and not to keep him studying at home when he became 7 years old. He advocates the school as a good condition to educate the boy. For he can learn much more by the competition in good faith Thirdly he opposes flogging a pupil, though it is an accepted practice at that time. His main ideas are very humanistic and modern. Perhaps they will give us some hints to solve our very serious education issues.