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The mystic means one who wrote mystical poetry or mystical works from the mystic experiences in religious life. The life and spirit of the mystic often presenting to philosophers new perspectives on the world and on man, give new inspiration to understand the world and man. The life and spirit of the medieval mystic, Clara of Assisi is summed up in two words ‘absolute poverty’ and ‘contemplation’. Absolute poverty means the no possession of property which is ‘renunciation of religion’ ‘the prohibition of private property’ and ‘renunciation of honor or social power’. This spirit of poverty is itself a value for the religious life and it becomes a necessary condition for contemplation. The contemplation is an eminent act of the human soul which perceives the presence of God in all things existent. And the contemplation is ultimately union with God oriented. The soul of a mystic who has annihilated any worldly thing and is filled with God’s presence, is able to perceive the deepest value and high level. The act of contemplation is an act of the most noble and high level. Since this act of contemplation is no possession of propert oriented but realize better value to be, it coincides with the spirit of Eric Fromm who insists the life of being in opposition to the life of the possession. The life and spirit of Clara of Assisi is an example of the new man which is presented by Eric Fromm.