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요건사실이라는 개념은 다의적이지만 주장․입증책임과 관련하여 이를 정의한다면 각 실체법규에 규정되어 있는 성립요건 중 당사자가 주장․입증책임을 부담하는 일련의 유형들이라고 할 수 있다. 민법상 계약채무의 이행이 지체된 경우 이를 바탕으로 하여 계약해제 등 여러가지 법적인 효과가 발생할 수 있는데, 이행지체로 인한 손해배상청구권도 그 가운데 하나이다. 계약채무이행지체로 인한 손해배상청구권발생을 위한 성립요건요소 내지 법률요건요소로는 일반적으로 (i)본래채무가 발생하였을 것, (ii)채무의 이행이 가능할 것, (iii)이행기의 경과, (iv)채무자의 귀책사유, (v)이행지체가 위법할 것, (vi)이행지체에 의한 손해 발생 및 그 수액 등을 나열하고 있으나, 이들 성립요건요소들을 형법학에서 사용하는 범죄성립요건의 예에 따르면 구성요건적 요소, 위법성, 책임 등으로 분류할 수 있고, 성립요건요소 중 (i)본래채무가 발생하였을 것, (ii)채무의 이행이 가능할 것, (iii)이행기의 경과, (iv)이행지체에 의한 손해 발생 및 그 수액 등은 구성요건적 요소라고 할 수 있다. 계약채무이행지체로 인한 손해배상청구권발생을 위한 성립요건요소 내지 법률요건요소들 모두가 그 요건사실은 아니다. 이 가운데 구성요건적 요소에 해당하는 (i)본래채무가 발생하였을 것, (ii)채무의 이행이 가능할 것, (iii)이행기의 경과, (iv)이행지체에 의한 손해 발생 및 그 수액 등만이 요건사실이라고 할 수 있고, (i)채무자의 귀책사유, (ii)이행지체가 위법할 것 등은 채무자가 주장․입증하여야 할 항변일 뿐이다.

The word, element of requisite fact has various meanings. Concerning to the burdens of assertion and proof, we can define it as a set of facts which one of the parts in process should assert and prove for winning his lawsuit. The default by debtor in an obligation of civil contract has several effects such as right of rescission, right to compensation for default etc. It is said that the law requires, as the elements of conditions or legal conditions for the compensation for default by debtor require, following elements: (i)existence of original debt, (ii)possibility of this debt, (iii)lapse of time for the performance, (iv)subjective liability of debtor, (v)illegality of default, (vi)existence of the creditor's damage and its amounts. According to the criminology we can revise these elements of regal conditions into three groups: elements of constitutive conditions, subjective liability of debtor, (v)illegality of default, and the first can contain (i)existence of original debt, (ii)possibility of this debt, (iii)lapse of time for the performance, (iv)existence of the creditor's damage and its amounts. On the one hand, we can say that some elements of all the elements of conditions or legal conditions for the compensation for default by debtor can be the element of requisite fact. The elements of constitutive conditions such as (i)existence of original debt, (ii)possibility of this debt, (iii)lapse of time for the performance, (iv)existence of the creditor's damage and its amounts belong to the element of requisite fact. and (i)the subjective liability of debtor, (ii)the illegality of default belong to the pleas which the debtor should assert and prove.

The word, element of requisite fact has various meanings. Concerning to the burdens of assertion and proof, we can define it as a set of facts which one of the parts in process should assert and prove for winning his lawsuit. The default by debtor in an obligation of civil contract has several effects such as right of rescission, right to compensation for default etc. It is said that the law requires, as the elements of conditions or legal conditions for the compensation for default by debtor require, following elements: (i)existence of original debt, (ii)possibility of this debt, (iii)lapse of time for the performance, (iv)subjective liability of debtor, (v)illegality of default, (vi)existence of the creditor's damage and its amounts. According to the criminology we can revise these elements of regal conditions into three groups: elements of constitutive conditions, subjective liability of debtor, (v)illegality of default, and the first can contain (i)existence of original debt, (ii)possibility of this debt, (iii)lapse of time for the performance, (iv)existence of the creditor's damage and its amounts. On the one hand, we can say that some elements of all the elements of conditions or legal conditions for the compensation for default by debtor can be the element of requisite fact. The elements of constitutive conditions such as (i)existence of original debt, (ii)possibility of this debt, (iii)lapse of time for the performance, (iv)existence of the creditor's damage and its amounts belong to the element of requisite fact. and (i)the subjective liability of debtor, (ii)the illegality of default belong to the pleas which the debtor should assert and prove.