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This article focus on the Three-Chapter Controversy. The Three Chapters that Emperor Justinian I anathematized were the person and writings of Theodore of Mopsuestia, Certain writings of Theodoret of Cyrus, and the letter of Ibas of Edessa to Maris. Why Justinian I anathematized The Three Chapters? Did he want to have an attempt to reconcile the Non Chalcedonian Christians of Syria and Egypt with the Great Church, following the failure of the Henotikon? Theodora seems to have convinced Justinian that he could easily reconcile the Monophysites to the Church if these three stumbling-blocks were removed. If so it is true, is this attempt only due to any religious causes? I don't think so. I think this attempt due to the variety of reasons. There were political, economic, social, cultural, and racial causes in the Three-Chapter Controversy. I think Justinian I considered these causes in his condemnation to the Three-Chapter. Because he wanted caesarism, and the Three-Chapter was a stumbling block to make his New Empire. The efforts exerted by the Emperor Justinian I in attempting to placate the Monophysites not only failed, but also caused an additional schism in north. The intent behind the condemnation of the Three Chapters was not theological, but political.