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This study attempts to investigate ways to use arab editorial cartoons in Arab daily newspapers in arabic language and arabic culture learning. The editorial cartoon is a method of expressing social phenomena via satire, humour or parody, and is one of the most popular genres of mass communication as it helps the general public to understand social issues or phenomena of the time easily. For this study, this writer has collected editorial cartoons published in major Arab newspapers and analysed individually, to examine the ways of expressing Korean and Arab cultures in the images. In the analysis of linguistic texts of Arab editorial cartoons, this writer has compared how the use of literary Arabic is differentiated from colloquial Arabic. For educational purposes, the editorial cartoons collected for this study have been used for university courses as a precedent study for efficient education of the Arabic language. As a result of the precedent study, it has been confirmed that editorial cartoons can be an efficient material and attracted positive responses and voluntary participation from the students.