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Kazuki Kaneshiro is a popular author for lilting and happy ending stories, which make discrimination his work from other works by Korean writers in Japan. Meanwhile, there are also views of concern over his oblivion of the reality because Kazuki usually don't bring the grief of Korean Diaspora's colonial history to the surface of his works. Kazuki, who made a huge repercussion by his insistence that emphasize nationality is just a contract one could revoke, and he puts his reason of the conclusion in his novels and scenarios repeatedly. We can also find his scars, anguish, speculation and logic from those. But the clues in his works are not connected directly nor deictically to his idea, therefore we should grasp the meaning of codes in his novels in advance to understand him deeply. In this paper, I study on all of his novels and scenarios to discuss about the creole culture in those, with the view of Friedrich Nietzsche, whom Kazuki loves. And I also discuss on the value that Kazuki keep pursuing by his works from the very beginning of his career.