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Right after his son’s enthronement, (former) King Taejong built the Sugang palace(壽康宮) near the Changdeok palace(昌德宮). Then he moved over there and began to oversee all political operations of the government, in order to provide support for his newly enthroned son, King Sejong. After his brother, former King Jeongjong(定宗) died, Taejong built a Pung’yang Residence(豊壤離宮) outside the capital and isolated himself from the vassals. And he had Sejong handle all affairs of the government except military operations and diplomatic affairs. It was his own process of handing over power to his son in a gradual fashion. He built a residence at this Pung’yang area which was near his father’s mausoleum, “konwonneung(建元陵)”, in order to show the public that he was fulfilling his obligations of filial piety toward his father. It was also part of an effort to fortify his own legitimacy, and the legitimacy of his own son too, as direct descendants of founder King Taejo(太祖).