초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Cyber gambling introduces many new potential problem in modern society. Gambling can be a very addictive behavior, for some it becomes pathological. And the liquid and ever-changing environment of the Internet provides a perfect cloak for criminal activity. One of the primary concern is that the encryption and anonymity of accounts in off-shore gambling sites provides a conduit through which criminals can launder money. Also, the Internet is readily accessible by young people. As such, teenagers also have access to the multitude of new gambling websites. To solve the problems with cyber gambling, the regulations of current criminal law can be applied to punish cyber gambling. However, because many cyber gambling operators open the sites in the country where gambling is legalized and can change the address of their web site quickly, in fact it is not easy to enforce the law and punish Internet gambling. Therefore it is required to arrange legal and technical measures that can regulate cyber gambling. The thesis also analyzes various criminal responses to cyber gambling. Gambling itself can not be accepted morally. But the idea that immoral act should be punished by severe criminal law at any cases seems to be very dangerous, nor is righteous. In conclusion, the legal solution for cyber gambling crime is the applicable arrangement of the law to allow the search and seizure of computer as well as technical surveillance; to impose obligation to cooperate with investigating authorities; to promote the use of digital evidence and encryption; and to encourage consistent research, and training. Also, in order to deter cyber gambling crime, international cooperation as well as the uniform legislation is critical.

Cyber gambling introduces many new potential problem in modern society. Gambling can be a very addictive behavior, for some it becomes pathological. And the liquid and ever-changing environment of the Internet provides a perfect cloak for criminal activity. One of the primary concern is that the encryption and anonymity of accounts in off-shore gambling sites provides a conduit through which criminals can launder money. Also, the Internet is readily accessible by young people. As such, teenagers also have access to the multitude of new gambling websites. To solve the problems with cyber gambling, the regulations of current criminal law can be applied to punish cyber gambling. However, because many cyber gambling operators open the sites in the country where gambling is legalized and can change the address of their web site quickly, in fact it is not easy to enforce the law and punish Internet gambling. Therefore it is required to arrange legal and technical measures that can regulate cyber gambling. The thesis also analyzes various criminal responses to cyber gambling. Gambling itself can not be accepted morally. But the idea that immoral act should be punished by severe criminal law at any cases seems to be very dangerous, nor is righteous. In conclusion, the legal solution for cyber gambling crime is the applicable arrangement of the law to allow the search and seizure of computer as well as technical surveillance; to impose obligation to cooperate with investigating authorities; to promote the use of digital evidence and encryption; and to encourage consistent research, and training. Also, in order to deter cyber gambling crime, international cooperation as well as the uniform legislation is critical.