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This research aims to analyze Islamic Jihad stylistically statistically significant at two of the most important thinkers of the Muslim Brotherhood, they are: Hassan al-Banna was a schoolteacher and imam, best known for founding the Muslim Brotherhood, one of the largest and most influential 20th century Muslim revivalist organizations, and Sayyid Qutb was an Egyptian author, educator, Islamist theorist, poet, and the leading member of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood. There are two commonly accepted meanings of jihad: an inner spiritual struggle and an outer physical struggle. The “greater jihad” is the inner struggle by a believer to fulfill his religious duties. This nonviolent meaning is stressed by both Muslim and non-Muslim authors. The “lesser jihad” is the physical struggle against the enemies of Islam. This physical struggle can take a violent form or a non-violent form. The proponents of the violent form translate jihad as “holy war”, although some Islamic studies scholars disagree, and these are the fanatics. Islamic Jihad is in the Quran and Sunnah, although the purpose of it was to spread Islam among the people, Islamist groups avail it to spread violence among them. So the aim of this research is to unmask the views of all of Hassan al-Banna and Sayyid Qutb in Islamic Jihad, and thus detect the exploitation of Islamic Jihad pragmatic, to push back description Islam as a religion that encourages Violence and terrorism. It should be noted that this research was confined to study letter to students (Islamic Jihad) by Hassan al-Banna, and jihad for Allah by Sayyid Qutb of the book ” Ma'alim fi'l-Tariq (Signposts on the Road, or Milestones)”,thus, research to be more focused. Among the findings of the research:From a statistical point of view: the different density of the Qur'an and Hadiths of Hassan al-Banna, (12.5% of the Qur'an, 45.5% Hadiths), and Sayyid Qutb (8.3% of the Qur'an, 2.2% Hadiths). This means that the difference between Al-Banna and Qutb, this was due to the aim of each of Jihad. Hassan al-Banna, a political aim to show the religious side, so he adopted heavily, as for Sayyid Qutb was jihad an end in itself, so he resorted to the Quran and Hadith slightly to the lack of extremism that he wants in the Quran. Words killings were higher density at Hassan al-Banna, and this refers to the idea of killing at the Muslim Brotherhood is higher than the idea of jihad. But Sayyid Qutb, words Jihad was more than Hassan al-Banna, and this refers to the founding idea of jihadist Salafist taken Qutb her father spiritual. Development of language of jihad at Sayyid Qutb, after it was dependence entirely on the verses of the Quran and Hadith contained therein Jihad and killing (Hassan al-Banna), it has become is urgent that there be to convince more the idea of jihad, which are common terror in the hearts of non-Muslims, and persuade the Mujahideen by (Liberation and confrontation and slavery at Sayyid Qutb).