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존재에 대한 禪의 가치론은 佛性이라는 개념을 통해 드러난다. 개체 존재의 '내재적 가치(Intrinsic Value)'를 의미하는 불성은 인간·동물·식물과 무정물에 이르기까지 일체 모든 존재에게 내재되어 있다는 것이 선의 佛性論이다.禪思想은 개체 존재의 불성을 바탕으로 모든 존재를 유기적 전체로 연결하는 연기적 통합성을 지향한다. 개별적 가치를 의미하는 불성은 곧 보편적 진리로서의 法性이 드러난 것으로 이해된다. 즉 法界라는 우주적 진리의 영역 속에서 모든 개체적 가치는 통합되고 서로서로 조화의 관계로 설정된다. 따라서 개체의 가치가 강조된다고 할지라도 그것이 개체주의로 전락되지 않는다. 개체의 불성이 곧 보편적 진리인 法性과 하나이며, 개체의 가치를 함장한 그 몸이 바로 보편적 가치를 함장한 法身으로 이해되기 때문이다.본고는 생태철학의 내재적 가치론과 선의 佛性論을 존재의 내재적 가치라는 맥락에서 탐구했다. 이를 통해 인간중심의 가치관에 의해 구축된 그릇된 가치관에 맞설 수 있는 철학적 근거들을 강화하고자 했다. 생태철학의 내재적 가치론은 선의 佛性사상과 접목됨으로써 종교적 정당성과 실천적 당위성을 담보할 수 있는 계기가 마련된다. 반대로 선의 입장에서 보면 추상적인 佛性의 개념이 구체적 현실의 문제를 푸는 중심적 가치관으로 부각된다. 다시 말해 불성론은 생태철학이라는 현재적 담론과 만남으로써 실재적 역할을 부여받게 되고, 살아 있는 윤리적 기준으로 재확인된다.

The metaphysical tradition of Western culture composes the dignity of all the lives from the view of Anthropocentrism. It considers that only human being has the moral standing while the other living creatures do not. This idea assigns moral justification to the human being to use the numerous living creatures for the purpose of the human being. However, eco-philosophy including deep ecology departs from the basic idea that all the living creatures possess an intrinsic value. The theory of Buddha nature, a concept of Buddhism, could be compared to the theory of intrinsic value of eco-philosophy. The essence of the theory of Buddha nature is that Buddha nature, which is the intrinsic value of existence, dwells equally in all the living creatures such as human being, animals and plants and even in the inanimated things. Subsequently, Buddha nature becomes the ideological cause of the general dignity of existence. Zen intertwines all the existence into an organic entirety based on the Buddha nature which dwells in every existence. In other words, it is understood that Buddha nature, which means the individual value, presents Dharmatas an universal truth. It means that all the existences are consolidated in the boundary of the universal truth of Dharmadhtu. Likely, the establishment of the theory on intrinsic value of each existence becomes a philosophical foundation in order to disintegrate the value system of Anthropocentrism. That is because establishing universal equality of existence provides the moral foundation of the respect among human being, the animal, plants and the nature environment.25

The metaphysical tradition of Western culture composes the dignity of all the lives from the view of Anthropocentrism. It considers that only human being has the moral standing while the other living creatures do not. This idea assigns moral justification to the human being to use the numerous living creatures for the purpose of the human being. However, eco-philosophy including deep ecology departs from the basic idea that all the living creatures possess an intrinsic value. The theory of Buddha nature, a concept of Buddhism, could be compared to the theory of intrinsic value of eco-philosophy. The essence of the theory of Buddha nature is that Buddha nature, which is the intrinsic value of existence, dwells equally in all the living creatures such as human being, animals and plants and even in the inanimated things. Subsequently, Buddha nature becomes the ideological cause of the general dignity of existence. Zen intertwines all the existence into an organic entirety based on the Buddha nature which dwells in every existence. In other words, it is understood that Buddha nature, which means the individual value, presents Dharmatas an universal truth. It means that all the existences are consolidated in the boundary of the universal truth of Dharmadhtu. Likely, the establishment of the theory on intrinsic value of each existence becomes a philosophical foundation in order to disintegrate the value system of Anthropocentrism. That is because establishing universal equality of existence provides the moral foundation of the respect among human being, the animal, plants and the nature environment.25