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졸론은 마조의 선사상에 나타난 논리체계와 마조가 지향했던 사상적 귀착점에 대해 탐구한 것이다. 그리고 요약하여 정리하자면 다음과 같다. 우선 마조의 선사상에 나타난 논리체계를 고찰하기 위해 마조와 그의 제자들의 어록을 통해 사상적 특징에 대해 고찰했다. 이후 그의 선사상에 나타난 특징인 卽心卽佛, 非心非佛, 平常心是道이 변증논리 형식을 취하고 있다는 점을 알게 되었다. 따라서 이러한 논리형식이 지니는 특징을 보다 세밀하게 분석하기 위해 각각의 명제가 지니는 사상을 어록과 유관자료를 통해 살펴보았다. 두 번째 마조선은 논리형식은 변증적이지만 매우 초논리적인 표현을 사용하고 있다는 점이다. 때문에 그의 전기나 어록을 통해 나타난 것은 자칫 관념화 내지 신비화될 수 있는 여지를 내포하고 있었다. 그런 점에서 마조 자신이 변증논리를 추구하고자 했던 지향점, 궁극적인 목적이 무엇인가에 대해 역사적, 사상적으로 밀접한 관계를 지니고 있다고 판단된 삼론종과 임의적으로 대비해 보았다. 그 결과 마조의 선사상은 불교의 관념화, 형식화를 탈피하기 위해 변증논리를 채용하고 있다는 점을 알았다. 동시에 그가 궁극적으로 생각했던 열반의 세계 역시 삼론종과 달리 매우 구체적이면서도 현실적이라는 점이다. 그렇지만 사상의 친연성과 논리체계의 공통성을 고려해 볼 때 마조의 사유체계는 삼론종이나 승조의 사유 속에 나타나는 논리형식은 취하되 생략과 절제라는 선종 특유의 특징을 살린 것은 아닐까 생각된다. 또한 열반이 현실을 떠나 별도로 존재하는 것이 아니란 점을 강조하기 위해 변증논리를 활용하고, 결론적으로 平常心是道를 말하게 된다.

What is the logical system in the idea of Zen(禪) by Majo(馬祖) and the ideological destination where he desired to attain? So to speak in conclusion, it may be summarized as follows. Above all, I inquired into the ideological distinction to considered its logical system in Zen of Majo by looking into their analects which Majo and his disciples left. And then I learned that its characteristics of Majo's Zen, (卽心卽佛) and (非心非佛), (平常心是道), took advantage of dialectic logical system. Therefore, I looked into the thoughts of each proposition in order that I scrutinized the characteristics of these logical systems more minutely with their analects and the related materials. The other thing is that the logical system of Majo's Zen was dialectic but used a super―logical expression. The things mentioned in his biography and analects, because of this, admited some possibilities to be occult or ideation. In terms of this, I compared Majo's ultimate purpose why he introduced dialectic logic with Samnonjong(三論宗) which had historical and ideaological connection, I think, with Zen of Majo. As a result, I found that Majo's Zen made use of dialectic logic to emerge from the ideation and formalization of Buddhism. The world of Nirvana which he thought ultimately, at the same time, is also so much concrete and realistic unlike Samnonjong. He took advantage of dialectic logic and said(平常心是道) so as to emphasize what Nirvana isn't in existence without the real.

What is the logical system in the idea of Zen(禪) by Majo(馬祖) and the ideological destination where he desired to attain? So to speak in conclusion, it may be summarized as follows. Above all, I inquired into the ideological distinction to considered its logical system in Zen of Majo by looking into their analects which Majo and his disciples left. And then I learned that its characteristics of Majo's Zen, (卽心卽佛) and (非心非佛), (平常心是道), took advantage of dialectic logical system. Therefore, I looked into the thoughts of each proposition in order that I scrutinized the characteristics of these logical systems more minutely with their analects and the related materials. The other thing is that the logical system of Majo's Zen was dialectic but used a super―logical expression. The things mentioned in his biography and analects, because of this, admited some possibilities to be occult or ideation. In terms of this, I compared Majo's ultimate purpose why he introduced dialectic logic with Samnonjong(三論宗) which had historical and ideaological connection, I think, with Zen of Majo. As a result, I found that Majo's Zen made use of dialectic logic to emerge from the ideation and formalization of Buddhism. The world of Nirvana which he thought ultimately, at the same time, is also so much concrete and realistic unlike Samnonjong. He took advantage of dialectic logic and said(平常心是道) so as to emphasize what Nirvana isn't in existence without the real.