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명말 사상적 변화의 시기에 활약한 여러 인물 가운데 卓吾 李贄(A.D. 1527~1602)는 다양한 측면에서 회자되고 있는 대표적 인물이다. 본 고에서는 출가자 이지의 측면에서 그의 불교관에 관하여 그의 대표 저작 가운데 하나인 분서에서 보여지는 특징을 살펴보고자 한다. 이지의 불교관의 특징은, 첫째는 불교의 여러 수행 가운데에서도 念佛과 讀經을 강조하였고, 특히 西方淨土往生의 의미에 대하여 누차에 걸려 설명하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 둘째는 재계의 의미와 실천을 중요시 한 점을 들 수 있다. 재계의 중시는 아마도 이지 자신의 철저한 구도자적 생활 자세에서 기인했다고 보여진다. 셋째는 자신의 출가에 대한 언급에서도 밝혔듯이 출가인의 자질을 나름대로 분류하여 출가의 의미를 누차에 걸쳐 언급하고 그 의미를 강조하고 있음을 알 수 있다. 넷째는 일상적인 사원생활에서 각각의 의미를 부여하고 실천을 강조하고 있다는 것이다. 이것은 그의 실천수행자의 면모를 여실하게 보여주는 부분이기도 하다. 끝으로 불상에 관련된 부분에서 살펴본 바와 같이 이지는 외형적인 상에 대한 집착을 경계하고 내면적인 증험에 의의를 두고 있다고 하겠다.

Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi was born and grew in Confucian circumstances, and the place where he lived was the place which did an exchanges with different provinces. Dynasties were drastically established and declined in his times. The times demanded a change, but the traditional custom fettered people. In the circumstances, Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi rejected to perform customary duty and to practise hypocritical principles, seeking for the life of truth. He fulfilled Confucian responsibilities as a government official. After quitting the post, he tried to realize highly moral values and meaning as a Buddhist monk. Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi tried to enhance the mind which is pure and not defiled, in spite of being put the blame for a heretic on him by Confucianists. The characteristics of Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi's Buddhist view seen in his work, Fen Shu are as follows: Firstly, he emphasized repetition and chanting among the Buddhist practices, and repeatedly explained the meaning of being born in 'the Western Pure Land'. Secondly, he considered that the meaning and practice of Sīla was significant. It seems to be based on his life-style of a strict ascetic. Thirdly, as mentioned about his Renouncement, he classified the Buddhist monks according to their disposition, and emphasized the meaning of the Renouncement. Fourthly, he defined the meaning of a daily routine, and emphasized the practice in the Buddhist monastery. This is one aspect of his character as a ascetic. Finally, it is thought that as examined in the part of the Buddha's statue, Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi focuses on inward enlightenment, and cautions against attachment to outward appearance.

Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi was born and grew in Confucian circumstances, and the place where he lived was the place which did an exchanges with different provinces. Dynasties were drastically established and declined in his times. The times demanded a change, but the traditional custom fettered people. In the circumstances, Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi rejected to perform customary duty and to practise hypocritical principles, seeking for the life of truth. He fulfilled Confucian responsibilities as a government official. After quitting the post, he tried to realize highly moral values and meaning as a Buddhist monk. Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi tried to enhance the mind which is pure and not defiled, in spite of being put the blame for a heretic on him by Confucianists. The characteristics of Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi's Buddhist view seen in his work, Fen Shu are as follows: Firstly, he emphasized repetition and chanting among the Buddhist practices, and repeatedly explained the meaning of being born in 'the Western Pure Land'. Secondly, he considered that the meaning and practice of Sīla was significant. It seems to be based on his life-style of a strict ascetic. Thirdly, as mentioned about his Renouncement, he classified the Buddhist monks according to their disposition, and emphasized the meaning of the Renouncement. Fourthly, he defined the meaning of a daily routine, and emphasized the practice in the Buddhist monastery. This is one aspect of his character as a ascetic. Finally, it is thought that as examined in the part of the Buddha's statue, Zhuo Wu, Li Zhi focuses on inward enlightenment, and cautions against attachment to outward appearance.