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신라는 일찍부터 중국과 문물교역을 시도하여 많은 신라의 상공인과 승려들이 중국으로 移住하였고 求法을 떠났다. 이들은 대략 五代부터 宋代 초에 걸쳐 중국에 많은 新羅坊 新羅村이라는 신라인 거주지를 형성하였다. 이곳을 중심으로 신라인들은 수행과 교화를 위한 寺院을 건립하는데 이것이 新羅院(園)이다. 중국에 있는 많은 신라원 중에서 천태법화를 신행하는 수행처는 두 곳이 있다. 하나는 산동반도 赤山에 세워진 法花院 新羅院이고, 다른 하나는 천태종의 본당인 國淸寺에 세워진 新羅園이다. 적산 법화원의 新羅院은 講經, 誦經, 그리고 禮懺 등이 행해졌다. 강강은 법화경을 강의하면서 천태의 삼종지관법문을 강의하였고, 誦經은 경전과 마하반야의 제목 봉창이나 약사유리광불 관음보살을 칭명하였으며, 예참은 천태대사의 『法華三昧懺儀』에 의한 예참이라 할 수 있다. 신라출신 悟空은 국청사에 이들 구법승들을 위한 거처로 新羅園을 설립하였다. 이곳에서 주석했던 대표적인 고승들로는 悟空 諦觀을 들 수 있다. 신라원은 이후 국청사와 함께 몇 차례의 廢壞와 重新을 거치고, 영락15년(1417)에 廢圮되었다. 또한 黃巖縣 新羅坊에 이르는 곳에 悟空院이 있어서 이 또한 오공이 국청사 신라원을 세우고 이곳 신라방의 신라인들을 교화하기 위해 세운 것이 아닌가 여겨진다.

A lot of Buddhist monks had been to China from the middle era of Silla to the beginning of Korea. They built Sillawon(新羅院) and Sillasa in everywhere. Especially those were built in temples where Silla people often came and went from Sandong peninsula(山東半島) to Jangan(長安), and also where monks studied T'ien-t'ai. Among those, Jeoksan-Beophwawon(赤山法花院) and Gukcheongsa-Sillawon(國淸寺新羅園) of Cheontae mountain were the place where monks practiced Buddhist sermon of religious work. It is said that Gukcheongsa Sillawon was built by Buddhist monks, Ogong(悟空) studying T'ien-t'ai from Silla in about 805 and it was destroyed with main buildings of Gukcheongsa in 1417(the 15th year of Yeongrak). After that, Jekwan(諦觀) and others studied T'ien-t'ai at Gukcheongsa and entered Sillawon. Furthermore, Jeoksan Beophwawon in Sandong area was built by Jangbogo(張保皐) and a lot of Silla people had practiced religious works of Buddhism in the way of Silla including Lotus Sutra. Of the ceremonies taken here, reading Yecham and Lotus Sutra was from the ceremony of 『Buddhist sermon absorption and repentance』.

A lot of Buddhist monks had been to China from the middle era of Silla to the beginning of Korea. They built Sillawon(新羅院) and Sillasa in everywhere. Especially those were built in temples where Silla people often came and went from Sandong peninsula(山東半島) to Jangan(長安), and also where monks studied T'ien-t'ai. Among those, Jeoksan-Beophwawon(赤山法花院) and Gukcheongsa-Sillawon(國淸寺新羅園) of Cheontae mountain were the place where monks practiced Buddhist sermon of religious work. It is said that Gukcheongsa Sillawon was built by Buddhist monks, Ogong(悟空) studying T'ien-t'ai from Silla in about 805 and it was destroyed with main buildings of Gukcheongsa in 1417(the 15th year of Yeongrak). After that, Jekwan(諦觀) and others studied T'ien-t'ai at Gukcheongsa and entered Sillawon. Furthermore, Jeoksan Beophwawon in Sandong area was built by Jangbogo(張保皐) and a lot of Silla people had practiced religious works of Buddhism in the way of Silla including Lotus Sutra. Of the ceremonies taken here, reading Yecham and Lotus Sutra was from the ceremony of 『Buddhist sermon absorption and repentance』.