초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper will not deal with the authenticity or fakery of the Vajrasamadhi‐sutra, but to explore two questions: 1, Mizuno Kūgen tried to prove that the Vajrasamadhi‐sutra is an apocrypha on the basis of some examination of translating terms in it. This paper will prove that his conclusion is unconfirmed, because not all the terms that he examined originated by Xuan Zang, and some emerged even in the translation enterprise of Han Dynasty; 2, This paper will prove that Wǒnhyo is not the author of the Vajrasamadhi‐sutra . This can be proved by the time of the emergence of the scriptures of the Vajrasamadhi‐sutra and the time when Wǒnhyo’s Commentary of Vajrasamadhi‐sutra was spread in China, as well as by the related contents of Wǒnhyo’s Commentary of Vajrasamadhi‐sutra.