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브레히트의 미완성 소설 『율리우스 카이사르씨의 사업』은 민중의 시선으로, 경제적 관점에서 로마의 위대한 독재자 카이사르를 조명한 역사소설이다. 그러나 이 작품은 우리에게 익숙한 위인전기나 영웅 중심의 역사를 해체하고 재구성하여, 감추어졌던 역사적 진실을 드러내는 이른바 ‘반(反) 역사소설’의 성격을 지닌다. 사실과 증거에 근거하여 신화와 전설을 해체하고, 승자와 지배층의 시각이 아니라 패자와 피지배층의 입장도 고려하여, 특히 정치적 관점이 아니라 경제적 관점에서 역사를 보려는 것이 이 소설의 목적이자 의도이다. 작가는 역사적 진실을 드러내기 위해 카이사르의 비서 라루스의 일기와 재정고문 스피케르의 논평, 측근과 부하 병사의 증언 등을 통해 다양한 관점에서 다층적 서술방식으로 카이사르와 그의 시대를 보여준다. 그리고 전지전능한 작가가 결론을 내리지 않고 독자로 하여금 스스로 추론을 통해 역사적 진실을 찾도록 한다는 점에서 서사극의 ‘낯설게 하기 기법(Verfremdungseffekt)’을 원용하고 있다. 이렇게 해서 드러난 카이사르는 유머와 야망을 가진 위대한 정치가이자 정복자가 아니라 상업자본가들의 하수인으로서 돈벌이에 혈안이 된 냉혹한 사업가이다. 카이사르의 정치적 상승은 그의 개인적 능력이나 우연에 의한 것이 아니라 토지자본(원로원)의 시대가 상업자본(상공회의소)의 시대로 넘어가면서 상인계층(에퀴테스)이 사회의 지배 세력으로 부상하는 시대적 변화 때문이다. 엄밀하게 말해 그는 역사를 이끈 주인공이라기보다는 역사의 흐름에 편승한 기능인에 불과하다. 그는 새로운 시대를 주도하는 상업금융자본의 상대적 진보성과 효율성을 대표하는 인물이며, 후일의 동인도회사의 원조격인 갈리아 상사의 설립은 이러한 변화의 징표이다. 기존의 관점과 서술방식에 익숙한 평론가나 독자들은 이 작품에 대해 거부감을 표시했고, 그러한 반응은 당연한 것이었는지 모른다. 고정관념을 깨뜨리고 새로운 시각에서 역사를 뒤집어보고 거꾸로 해석하는 것이 브레히트의 의도라면, 이 소설에서 그의 이러한 전복적 전략은 일단 성공을 거둔 셈이다. 왜냐하면 이 소설의 도발과 전복이 많은 사학자들을 당황하게 만들고 대다수의 평론가들과 독자들을 불쾌하게 만들었기 때문이다. 결국 브레히트는 불편한 진실을 외면하지 못하도록 ‘시대의 살 속 박힌 가시처럼’ 부단히 우리를 자극하고 각성시키는 작가의 본분에 충실하였다고 할 수 있다.

The unfinished historical novel of B. Brecht, Die Geschäfte des Herrn Julius Caesar(The business of Mr. Julius Caesar) describes the Roman dictator from people's points of view. In this respect this novel is against the typical historical novel, in that the former deconstructs and reorganizes the familiar biographies of heroes or hero-centric histories. The aesthetic strategy of the writer is to dissolve the myths and legends of the historical heroes, to reconstruct and reinterpret history not only from the perspective of winners and ruling classes but from that of losers and ruled classes. The stress is emphatically placed upon the economic, if not exclusively political, view-point. For the purpose of uncovering and regaining the historical truth, the novel sheds light on Caesar and his age with the multi-dimensional descriptions and data such as the diaries of Rarus, the slave-secretary of Caesar, comments of Mummlius Spicer, the financial advisor and testimonies and recollections of close associates including the former soldier of Caesar's Legion. Here the novelist makes available so-called Verfremdungseffect of epic theatre, as he does not present pre-determined conclusions from the omnipotent view-point of the authors of the conventional historical novels, but encourages and requests readers to find and recognize the historical truths for themselves. Caesar becomes revealed as not a great political leader and conqueror with a sense of humor and excellent talent of writing and eloquence, but a cold-hearted businessman as the agent of commercial capitalists of Rome, a spendthrift and demagogue. The political rising of Caesar is not due to his personal ability but the historical shift to the commercial capitalism (chamber of commerce and industry) from the land capitalism(the senate), establishing equites as the new ruling class of Rome. In the strict sense, he is not the hero who leads and creates history, but a functionary who makes a cunning and shrewd use of the historical trend. In this respect he is not the spokesman of democracy and Roman people, but a dictator representing relative progressivism and efficiency of commercial capitalism. The famous Gallic Expedition shows a change of the conception of commercial capitalism policy from the naive conquest and plunder to the colonial management. The New Age of commercial capitalism of Rome culminates in the establishment of the Gallic Trade and Commerce Company. It is no wonder that critics and readers familiar with the conventional points of view and methods of historical description have expressed discomfort and confusion about this novel. However if it was the aesthetic strategy of B. Brecht to upset the fixed ideas and preoccupations, turn the historical events upside down and reinterpret the meaning of them, he has made an unexpected success in this provocative and subversive historical novel as well as his world- famous dramatic works. He has accomplished the vocation of the writer to wake up the consciousness of readers ‘like a thorn in the flesh of a dark age'.

The unfinished historical novel of B. Brecht, Die Geschäfte des Herrn Julius Caesar(The business of Mr. Julius Caesar) describes the Roman dictator from people's points of view. In this respect this novel is against the typical historical novel, in that the former deconstructs and reorganizes the familiar biographies of heroes or hero-centric histories. The aesthetic strategy of the writer is to dissolve the myths and legends of the historical heroes, to reconstruct and reinterpret history not only from the perspective of winners and ruling classes but from that of losers and ruled classes. The stress is emphatically placed upon the economic, if not exclusively political, view-point. For the purpose of uncovering and regaining the historical truth, the novel sheds light on Caesar and his age with the multi-dimensional descriptions and data such as the diaries of Rarus, the slave-secretary of Caesar, comments of Mummlius Spicer, the financial advisor and testimonies and recollections of close associates including the former soldier of Caesar's Legion. Here the novelist makes available so-called Verfremdungseffect of epic theatre, as he does not present pre-determined conclusions from the omnipotent view-point of the authors of the conventional historical novels, but encourages and requests readers to find and recognize the historical truths for themselves. Caesar becomes revealed as not a great political leader and conqueror with a sense of humor and excellent talent of writing and eloquence, but a cold-hearted businessman as the agent of commercial capitalists of Rome, a spendthrift and demagogue. The political rising of Caesar is not due to his personal ability but the historical shift to the commercial capitalism (chamber of commerce and industry) from the land capitalism(the senate), establishing equites as the new ruling class of Rome. In the strict sense, he is not the hero who leads and creates history, but a functionary who makes a cunning and shrewd use of the historical trend. In this respect he is not the spokesman of democracy and Roman people, but a dictator representing relative progressivism and efficiency of commercial capitalism. The famous Gallic Expedition shows a change of the conception of commercial capitalism policy from the naive conquest and plunder to the colonial management. The New Age of commercial capitalism of Rome culminates in the establishment of the Gallic Trade and Commerce Company. It is no wonder that critics and readers familiar with the conventional points of view and methods of historical description have expressed discomfort and confusion about this novel. However if it was the aesthetic strategy of B. Brecht to upset the fixed ideas and preoccupations, turn the historical events upside down and reinterpret the meaning of them, he has made an unexpected success in this provocative and subversive historical novel as well as his world- famous dramatic works. He has accomplished the vocation of the writer to wake up the consciousness of readers ‘like a thorn in the flesh of a dark age'.