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본고는 만보산사건을 소설로 형상화한 이토 에노스케(伊藤永之介)의 「만보산」을 중심으로 1931년 만주에서 일어난 ‘만보산사건’이 갖는 역사적 의미와 식민담론의 문학적 형상화에 대해 연구하였다. 이 연구를 통해 만보산사건에 섞여 있는 민족주의적, 식민주의적, 제국주의적 시각에 따라 만보산이라는 공간이 어떤 표상공간으로 인지되고 있는지, 그리고 그 공간에서 이루어진 역사적 사건은 어떻게 해석되고 있는지 살펴보았다. 프롤레타리아 작가인 이토의 「만보산」은 민족을 초월한 계급적 연대에 기초한 소설이다. 이 소설에서 이토는 만주로 이주한 조선농민의 고통스러운 삶을 묘사하고 있다. 그런데 이토의 「만보산」에는 만주로 이주한 조선농민이 일제의 상징인 일본인 지주나 일본인 경찰에 의해 추방당하게 되었다는 사실을 고발함으로써 당시 천황내셔널리즘에 바탕한 일본인의 민족에고이즘에서 벗어난 듯한 모습을 보여주고 있다. 그러나 동시에 그는 일등국민이라는 천황이데올로기에서 연유한 차별자의 모습을 보여줌으로써 다른 차원에서의 민족에고이즘을 노출하기도 하였다. 이처럼 천황내셔널리즘에 근거한 민족에고이즘이 당시 일본인들의 의식 혹은 무의식 속에 깊숙이 침투하고 있었음을 확인한 것은 이 논문의 의의라고 할 수 있다.

This thesis is to inquire into the literary shaping of colonial discourse and the historical meaning of Mt. Wanbaoshan Incident which occurred in Manchuria in 1931, focused on Mt. Wanbaoshan by Ito Einosuke(1903~1959). And additionally, this thesis is to examine out as what kind of place Mt. Wanbaoshan is recognized according to the viewpoint of nationalism, colonialism, imperialism, and also how the historical incident occurred in that place is interpreted. Mt. Wanbaoshan by Ito Einosuke, who is a proletariat novelist, is a novel based on cross-class alliance irrevelant of ethnic differences. In this novel, he describes a painful life of Chosun farmer who emigrated to Manchuria. He seems to show a literary outlook detached from national egoism of Japanese people based on Tenno nationalism at that time, by accusing that Chosun farmers come to be the dispossessed by the Japanese landowner or police. However, he also shows a discriminator derived from an ideology of Tenno. This means that he reveals a national egoism in a different aspect. It can be said that this study has a significant meaning in that it points out that the national egoism based on Tenno nationalism is deeply rooted in sense of value of Japanese people, or possibly either in their consciousness or in subconsciousness.

This thesis is to inquire into the literary shaping of colonial discourse and the historical meaning of Mt. Wanbaoshan Incident which occurred in Manchuria in 1931, focused on Mt. Wanbaoshan by Ito Einosuke(1903~1959). And additionally, this thesis is to examine out as what kind of place Mt. Wanbaoshan is recognized according to the viewpoint of nationalism, colonialism, imperialism, and also how the historical incident occurred in that place is interpreted. Mt. Wanbaoshan by Ito Einosuke, who is a proletariat novelist, is a novel based on cross-class alliance irrevelant of ethnic differences. In this novel, he describes a painful life of Chosun farmer who emigrated to Manchuria. He seems to show a literary outlook detached from national egoism of Japanese people based on Tenno nationalism at that time, by accusing that Chosun farmers come to be the dispossessed by the Japanese landowner or police. However, he also shows a discriminator derived from an ideology of Tenno. This means that he reveals a national egoism in a different aspect. It can be said that this study has a significant meaning in that it points out that the national egoism based on Tenno nationalism is deeply rooted in sense of value of Japanese people, or possibly either in their consciousness or in subconsciousness.