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‘울릉도·독도 어로활동에 있어서 울산의 역할과 박어둔’에 관한 연구는 지역사의 관점에서 접근한 글이다. 조선 숙종조 ‘울릉도쟁계’라는 한일 간의 울릉도·독도 영유권 분쟁의 해결에 있어서 안용복 개인의 영웅적 활동만을 기리는 종래의 틀을 깨고, 박어둔과 울산지역 사람들의 지속적인 울릉도․독도 출어활동이 ‘울릉도쟁계’에서 일본이 울릉도와 독도를 조선의 땅임을 인정하는데 큰 역할을 하였다는 점을 부각시키고자 하였다. 이를 위해 조선 후기 울릉도와 독도는 공도정책에 의해 버려진 섬이 아니라 울산 지역을 위시한 경상도와 전라도 등지에서 어로활동을 위해 漁採人들이 수시로 드나들었다는 점을 사료를 통해 확인하는데 주력하였다. 그 결과 울산이 울릉도, 독도 어로활동의 진출의 거점이었음을 드러내줌으로써 울릉도와 독도를 일본의 침탈에서 지켜내는데 박어둔과 울산사람들이 일익을 담당하였음을 입증하였다.

This paper titled in ‘The role of Ulsan Area and Park Eo-dun in the Fishery Activity around Ulleungdo․Dokdo’ aims a new aspect of research on regional history compare to the last papers focusing on heroic activity of individual Ahn Yong-bok for the resolution of territory dispute between Korea and Japan in ‘Ulleungdo Border Dispute' during King Sukjong in Choseon Dynasty, and illuminated continuous fishery activity of residents in Ulsan area including Park Eo-dun around Ulleungdo․Dokdo, which took an important role to get Japanese recognition on Ulleungdo․Dokdo as Korean territory through ‘Ulleungdo Border Dispute’ For this purpose, the paper confirmed dynamic activity of Ulsan area people around Ulleungdo and Dokdo not as an wasted islands by vacancy island policy but as a fishery area by Ulsan area people and fishers from Gyungsangdo and Jeonrado province during late Choseon dynasty through various materials. As a result, the paper proved the role of Ulsan area as a basis of fishery work around Ulleungdo and Dokdo, which devoted to keep the identity of Ulleungdo and Dokdo as Korean territory from Japanese attack along with some role of Park Eo-dun and Ulsan people.

This paper titled in ‘The role of Ulsan Area and Park Eo-dun in the Fishery Activity around Ulleungdo․Dokdo’ aims a new aspect of research on regional history compare to the last papers focusing on heroic activity of individual Ahn Yong-bok for the resolution of territory dispute between Korea and Japan in ‘Ulleungdo Border Dispute' during King Sukjong in Choseon Dynasty, and illuminated continuous fishery activity of residents in Ulsan area including Park Eo-dun around Ulleungdo․Dokdo, which took an important role to get Japanese recognition on Ulleungdo․Dokdo as Korean territory through ‘Ulleungdo Border Dispute’ For this purpose, the paper confirmed dynamic activity of Ulsan area people around Ulleungdo and Dokdo not as an wasted islands by vacancy island policy but as a fishery area by Ulsan area people and fishers from Gyungsangdo and Jeonrado province during late Choseon dynasty through various materials. As a result, the paper proved the role of Ulsan area as a basis of fishery work around Ulleungdo and Dokdo, which devoted to keep the identity of Ulleungdo and Dokdo as Korean territory from Japanese attack along with some role of Park Eo-dun and Ulsan people.