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본 연구는 사회복지 부문의 자원배분에서 가장 큰 폭의 양적 팽창현상을 보이고 있는 보육정책에 대해 길버트와 스펙트 그리고 테렐의 산출분석틀을 이용하여 급여의 대상, 형태, 전달체계, 재원의 측면에서 보육정책의 통시적 발전과정과 정책산출결과를 분석하고 문제점을 도출한 뒤 보육정책의 개선을 위한 정책방안들을 제시하는 데에 그 목적이 있다. 본 연구의 결과, 보육정책의 급여대상 면에서는 선별주의에서 보편주의로 변화해가는 움직임이 포착되고 있으나 아직은 미흡하여 급여대상의 보편성을 강화하기 위한 다양한 보육욕구의 수용과 시설확충이 요구되고 있었다. 급여형태면에서는 다양성이 형성되어 소비자의 선택권이 점진적으로 보장되고 있으나 시설서비스의 전문성 강화와 바우처제도의 정착을 위한 방안이 요구되고 있었다. 전달체계 측면에서는 중앙정부와 지방정부간 공조체제의 구축과 공보육시설의 확충이 필요하다고 판단되었으며, 재원에서는 보육재정의 증가를 통한 보육의 공공성 강화가 요구되고 있었다.

These days, female economic activity has created a vacuum in private childcare system. Since then, childcare was extended to social issue and has become national agenda. Now, the childcare policy is much increasing in allocation of resource. In this vein, this study was to analyze the developmental process of childcare policy and the result of policy outputs by the framework of output analysis in terms of the target of allowance, type of allowance, delivery system, and finance. Then, based on this, implications for political improvement were discussed. As a result of benefit target, it was necessary to accept various childcare needs and to improve facilities for ensuring universality of allowance. In terms of allowance type, there have been already guaranteed various options for customer, but it was still necessary to reinforce facility service and to ask plans for settlement of the voucher system. Finally, in terms of delivery system, there should have improvement of public childcare facility and a mutual assistance system between the central government and the local government.

These days, female economic activity has created a vacuum in private childcare system. Since then, childcare was extended to social issue and has become national agenda. Now, the childcare policy is much increasing in allocation of resource. In this vein, this study was to analyze the developmental process of childcare policy and the result of policy outputs by the framework of output analysis in terms of the target of allowance, type of allowance, delivery system, and finance. Then, based on this, implications for political improvement were discussed. As a result of benefit target, it was necessary to accept various childcare needs and to improve facilities for ensuring universality of allowance. In terms of allowance type, there have been already guaranteed various options for customer, but it was still necessary to reinforce facility service and to ask plans for settlement of the voucher system. Finally, in terms of delivery system, there should have improvement of public childcare facility and a mutual assistance system between the central government and the local government.