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신라석조부도는 선종의 도입과 함께 건립되기 시작한 새로운 장르의 조형물이었다. 특히 八角圓堂型이 라는 독특한 양식을 지니고 있어 그간 많은 연구가 진행되어 왔다. 이럼에도 불구하고 이에 구현된 양식 은 면밀한 검토 없이 唐代에 건립된 鳩摩羅什浮屠에 기원을 두어 왔다. 하지만, 이와 신라시대에 건립된 석조부도와 평면구성으로부터 장엄조식에 이르기까지 전반적인 비교검토를 진행한 결과 전자는 후자와 탑신부에서의 공통점은 있을지언정, 전반적인 평면과 석재의 구성 그리고 장엄조식에서 확연한 차이를 보이고 있었다. 따라서 이 부도는 禪師의 입적에 따른 부도의 건립이라는 아이디어를 전해주었을지언정 始原樣式이 될 수 없음을 규명했다. 따라서 신라석조부도는 7세기 초반부터 지속적으로 건립되어 양식적으로 완성된 석탑과 석등의 양식을 기반으로 진전사지 도의선사부도를 조성했고, 이어 염거화상탑에 이르러 완전한 팔각원당형의 양식을 이룩했다. 따라서 신라석조부도의 시원양식은 鳩摩羅什浮屠가 아니라 도의선사부도 에 두어야 한다고 생각한다. 한국미술사 연구에 있어 양식의 근원을 밝히는 과제는 매우 중요하고, 또 많은 연구자들이 집중했던 문제이다. 때문에 이를 해결하는 방안으로 주로 중국의 비슷한 시대 유물과의 비교를 통해 규명되어 왔 다. 하지만, 조형물의 건립에 따른 단순한 아이디어의 전래와 전반적인 양식의 전래는 완전히 다른 시각 에서 살펴야 할 것으로 생각되는 바, 바로 신라 석조부도에서도 그러한 면이 내재하고 있음을 확인했다.

Stone stupas(石造浮屠) which were made in Shiila period are new type construction. Those were made after Zen Buddhism was introduced to Shilla. Stone stupa of Shilla have an octagon shape. Although Stone stupa of Shilla have been studied a lot, It is considered that the origin of Stone stupas is from Stone stupa of Kumarajiva(鳩摩羅什) that was made in China. This paper studied about Stone stupa of Shilla. Especially, this paper made comparative study between Stone stupa of Shilla and Stone stupa of Kumarajiva which was made in Dang(唐) period. Although, Stone stupa of Shilla have similar shape of body compared with Stone stupa of Kumarajiva. Also, It has many different aspects in form and style. This paper shows that the origin of Stone stupa of Shilla was started form the Stone stupa of Doyie which was made early 7th century. Stone stupa has developed with Stone Pagoda(石塔) and Stone Lantern(石燈). When Stupa of monk Yeomgeo Hwasang(廉居和尙塔) was made, the octagonal shape of Shilla’s Stone stupa was completed. When the Korean art history was studied, questions about the origin of form and style about constructions are very important. However, we should remember that introduction of some idea about constructions have different aspects compared with introduction of form and style of constructions directly.

Stone stupas(石造浮屠) which were made in Shiila period are new type construction. Those were made after Zen Buddhism was introduced to Shilla. Stone stupa of Shilla have an octagon shape. Although Stone stupa of Shilla have been studied a lot, It is considered that the origin of Stone stupas is from Stone stupa of Kumarajiva(鳩摩羅什) that was made in China. This paper studied about Stone stupa of Shilla. Especially, this paper made comparative study between Stone stupa of Shilla and Stone stupa of Kumarajiva which was made in Dang(唐) period. Although, Stone stupa of Shilla have similar shape of body compared with Stone stupa of Kumarajiva. Also, It has many different aspects in form and style. This paper shows that the origin of Stone stupa of Shilla was started form the Stone stupa of Doyie which was made early 7th century. Stone stupa has developed with Stone Pagoda(石塔) and Stone Lantern(石燈). When Stupa of monk Yeomgeo Hwasang(廉居和尙塔) was made, the octagonal shape of Shilla’s Stone stupa was completed. When the Korean art history was studied, questions about the origin of form and style about constructions are very important. However, we should remember that introduction of some idea about constructions have different aspects compared with introduction of form and style of constructions directly.