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秦漢代의 음양오행론을 대표할 수 있는 『淮南子』와 隋代 『五行大義』의 음양오행론을 비교·분석하였다. 『회남자』는 時令을 기술한 「時則訓」을 포함하여 「天文訓」·「墬形訓」·「泰族訓」 등에서 음양오행 이론이 다양하게 수록되어 한대까지의 문헌 중 음양오행론이 가장 발전하였고, 『오행대의』는 古代의 음양오행 이론을 전반적으로 정리하여 편찬한 음양오행론의 대표적인 전적이다. 『회남자』의 음양오행론 중 오행의 생극과 왕상휴수사, 諸事物의 오행배속 등 대부분의 음양오행론이 『오행대의』와 상동하다. 그러나 오행의 生剋制化에서 『회남자』는 相生과 相剋을 설명하면서 合沖에 대한 논의가 없는데, 『오행대의』에서 干合과 支合, 그리고 干沖과 支沖의 합충이론을 기술하면서 생극합충 이론이 완성되었으며, 나아가 刑害 이론도 성립되었다. 그리고 『회남자』에서 토의 會合을 午戌寅이라 한 것을 『오행대의』에서辰戌丑未로 정리하였고, 『회남자』에서는 토가 일 년을 관장하는 기간이 정리되지 않아 四季月說·72日季夏 說·30日季夏說로 다양하게 사용하였으나, 『오행대의』에서 四季에 해당하는 辰未戌丑月을 토가 주재하는 달로 정하였다.

This study conducted comparative research on Huainanzi, which can represent Yin-yang and Five Elements in the Qin Dynasty(秦代) and the Han Dynasty(漢代), and Wuxingdayi in the Sui Dynasty(隋代). Huainanzi including Shicheukhun(時則訓) mentioned the Ruling with Times-Theory, contains a variety of the Theory of Yin-yang and Five Elements in Cheonmunhun·Jihyeonghun· Jusulhun(天文訓·墬形訓·主術訓), etc. So the Theory of Yin-yang and Five Elements is the most developed among literature up to the Han Dynasty. Wuxingdayi is the representative record of the Thory of Yin-yang and Five Elements that organizied and compiled the Yin-yang and Five Elements of ancient times generally. In the Theory of Yin-yang and Five-Elements discussed in Huainanzi, the Sheng·Geuk of the Five Elements and most of Wangsanghyususa(旺相休囚死) and ‘Putting things into Five Phases’ are similar with those of Wuxingdayi. However, Ganhap(干合) and Jihap(支合) theories, which were not exactly identified in Huainanzi, were established in Wuxingdayi. In Huainanzi, the Sheng(生) and Geuk(剋) theory was completed but the Hap(合) and Chung(沖) theory was not established, while in Wuxingdayi, the Sheng·Geuk·Hap·Chung theory was defined and it was developed to the Hyeong(刑) and Hai(害) theory. In the former, Haihap(會合) of the Earth(土) was called Osulin(午戌寅), which was arranged to Jinsulchukmi(辰戌丑未) in the latter. In Huainanzi, the period during which the Earth governs a year was not defined, thus it was described in various ways such as Sagyewolseol(四季 月說)·72Ilgyehaseol(72日季夏說)·30Ilgyehaseol(30日季夏說). But in Wuxingdayi, Jinmisulchukwol (辰未戌丑月) referring to Sagye (四季) was designated as the month when the Earth prevailed.