초록 열기/닫기 버튼

This paper explores paradoxical meanings of 9/11 terrorism and its consequences as well as torture of Iraqi POWs in Abu Ghraib in terms of biopolitics producing “homo sacers,” Agambenian term illuminating those who excluded from juridical order while subjugating to the law, and “state of exception,” in which law paradoxically imposes its influence to create unlawful places. As a theoretical scaffolding, this paper uses various concepts and ideas from Giorgio Agamben, a prominent Italian philosopher. This paper mainly consists of two sections: The first section mostly deals with how two state apparatuses—repressive and ideological apparatuses—operate to conceal Real of 9/11 terrorism and Abu Ghraib torture; The second section trace Agamben’s archeological research to critique Western biopolitics and its origin in order to reveal how bare life comes forth from caesura of bios, political life, and zoe, natural life, and how we can evade this pitfall of humanity by exploring form-of-life and its happiness.