초록 열기/닫기 버튼
This study used the content related to the music report in the documents compiled by musicians in late Joseon(朝鮮) and antient musical score in order to investigate the method of musical instruction in late Joseon. The form of the method of musical instruction in late Joseon was one-and-one contact lesson between a teacher and a pupil. The method of musical instruction was oral transmission and education by score that an educator selected. The method of using natural materials like sound of wind and water was also selected for a deepening study. The object of music education in late Joseon was to represent lyrics that express upright mind plainly, solemnly and musically. The ideological background of the music education in late Joseon was to judge significantly of harmony between theory, practical technique and the learner’s mind. Music was related to philosophy and psychology. There was also the thought of music education attributable to the musical view of Jugiron(主氣論: energy-related), Juriron(主理論: reason-related) and identity theory.