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이 논문은 한국의 1930년대를 배경으로 식민지 대중문화운동의 길을 열었던 왕평(본명 : 이응호)의 활동 및 작품세계에 대한 최초의 조사 연구이다. 왕평은 1920년대에서 1930년대에 이르는 시기의 한국근현대사, 한국대중문화사와 관련하여 매우 중요한 위상을 지니는 인물이다. 대중문화와 관련된 왕평의 작품 활동은 주로 대중가요 가사, 만담의 대본집필 및 출연, 연극의 무대공연을 위한 희곡 집필, 영화 시나리오 집필 및 출연 등으로 확장된다. 일제에 의한 한반도 식민통치 중반기에서 왕평의 활동은 특히 빛나는 성과를 이룩하였다. 대중가요 작품인 「황성옛터」(원제:황성[荒城]의 적[跡]) 노랫말은 왕평의 대표적, 상징적 성과물인 바, 이 작품을 통하여 우리는 왕평의 창작의도와 작품의식의 방향성을 구체적으로 추단할 수 있다. 이 시기를 배경으로 왕평이 남긴 대중문화사적 작품은 도합 198편에 이른다. 나라의 주권이 외세의 침탈에 유린당하던 시절, 대중문화를 통하여 민족의 의기를 진작 고무시키고 격려 위로하려는 의도를 지녔던 왕평 이응호의 창작기획과 의도는 마땅히 새롭게 조명되어야 할 것이다.

This research is the first study of analysing and assessing the Wang Pyung, Eung Ho Lee's life and art world. He was one of the prominent popular artists in the modern history of popular culture. Active work scopes of Wang Pyung were the creation of popular song, writing as well as acting play script, comic chat, and movie scenario. Among the scopes, Wang Pyung worked mainly on record and made 198 works. In the middle of the colonial period, he worked more actively based on his own desire and ambition, and as a result, he became a pioneer in the modern history of popular culture. Although, he was one of the important persons in identifying the modern history of popular culture, none of studies focused on him. This research try to analyse and assess the nature of Wang Pyung's work activities and products. The results of this research can contribute in establishing new structure of the history of popular culture in colonial period of 1930s. At the end of the research, the lists of Wang Pyung's work activities and products were attached.

This research is the first study of analysing and assessing the Wang Pyung, Eung Ho Lee's life and art world. He was one of the prominent popular artists in the modern history of popular culture. Active work scopes of Wang Pyung were the creation of popular song, writing as well as acting play script, comic chat, and movie scenario. Among the scopes, Wang Pyung worked mainly on record and made 198 works. In the middle of the colonial period, he worked more actively based on his own desire and ambition, and as a result, he became a pioneer in the modern history of popular culture. Although, he was one of the important persons in identifying the modern history of popular culture, none of studies focused on him. This research try to analyse and assess the nature of Wang Pyung's work activities and products. The results of this research can contribute in establishing new structure of the history of popular culture in colonial period of 1930s. At the end of the research, the lists of Wang Pyung's work activities and products were attached.