초록 열기/닫기 버튼

고전역학은 국소적 인과율(Local causality)과 분리성(Separability), 결정론(Determinism)과 예측가능성 그리고 주체와 객체를 전적으로 분리하는 객관적 실재성(Objective reality)등 우리의 직관에 잘 들어맞는 몇가지 원리위에 기초하고 있다.양자 역학은 중첩(Superposition), 얽힘(Entanglement), 결깨짐(Decoherence) 등의 혁신적인 개념을 도입한다. 이 현상들은 우리의 직관에 반하는 것으로 보이는데 고전적인 개념들인 실재성, 인과율 그리고 국소성 등을 의문에 부치기 때문이다. 이 논문은 어떻게 양자역학이 우리에게 친숙한 이런 개념들을 완화 내지 수정하지 않을 수 없게 만드는지 최소한의 양자 형식주의를 사용하면서 분석한다. 슈뢰딩거가 양자역학에서 가장 핵심적이라고 밝힌 얽힘 현상이 중요한 이유는 이 현상이 양자 정보처리에 있어서 환상적인 전망을 열어주기 때문이다.

Classical Mechanics is grounded on local causality and separability, determinism and predictability, objectivity that completely separates the subject from the object, and on other such principals that conform to our sense of intuition. Quantum Mechanics introduces several key concepts such as superposition, entanglement, and decoherence. These phenomena appear to go against our intuition because they question classical concepts such as reality, causality, and locality. The present study analyzes, through minimum use of quantum formalism, how quantum mechanics requires us to revise these familiar concepts. That entanglement phenomena, declared by Schrodinger as the focal point of quantum mechanics, is so important lies in the fact that this phenomena opens a visionary perspective in quantum informatics.

Classical Mechanics is grounded on local causality and separability, determinism and predictability, objectivity that completely separates the subject from the object, and on other such principals that conform to our sense of intuition. Quantum Mechanics introduces several key concepts such as superposition, entanglement, and decoherence. These phenomena appear to go against our intuition because they question classical concepts such as reality, causality, and locality. The present study analyzes, through minimum use of quantum formalism, how quantum mechanics requires us to revise these familiar concepts. That entanglement phenomena, declared by Schrodinger as the focal point of quantum mechanics, is so important lies in the fact that this phenomena opens a visionary perspective in quantum informatics.