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조선총독부박물관은 역사박물관으로 1915년 설립되었다. 그러나 여기에는 본질적인 문제가 있었다. 첫째, 조선의 박물관제도가 일제의 정책 입안자나 학자들에 의해 임의로 조직된 식민지 문화통치의 산물이었다는 점이다. 둘째는 전시와 소장품들이 고적조사의 성과물과 기탁ㆍ구입품ㆍ기증 자료 등으로 민족의 근원을 밝히기 보다는 왜곡된 역사인식을 위해 준비된 입증자료였다는 점이다. 셋째는 총체적인 역사 문화의 식민지지배를 위한 시스템을 조선총독부박물관이 주도했고, 특히 제도상의 정비와 사업의 본격적인 조직화를 통해 역사왜곡에 있어 실제적인 중심에 있었다. 조선총독부박물관은 1915년 설립 때부터 독립된 기관으로 존재하지 않았다. 초창기부터 조선총독부 총무국에 소속되었다. 그 후 소속 부서가 바뀌기는 했으나, 조선총독부 산하 기관이라는 지위에는 변함이 없었다. 그리고 일본의 패전에 의해 폐관될 때까지, 독립된 직제가 없이 조선총독부 소속 사무관이 주임으로서 조선총독부박물관의 업무를 총괄했다. 결국 주사 행정을 수행했던 것이 조선총독부박물관이었다. 조선총독부박물관은 일상적인 박물관의 업무는 진열·보관·열람·고적조사·유적조사 등의 각종 조사와 매장문화재 취급에 대한 일이었다. 이와 함께 조선총독부박물관은 설립 다음해인 1916년부터 고적조사의 중심기관으로 발굴을 계획하고 진행하며, 그 결과를 보고서로 작성하여 역사 왜곡의 내용적 토대를 마련하는데 기여했다. 1915년의 경우도 조선총독부박물관의 유물은 공진회 인계물품, 내무부 및 회계과 보관고물, 내무부 편집과 조사 수집품, 참사관 분실 보관품, 고적조사물품, 구입품 등으로, 그 중심은 공진회의 인계물품이었다. 이 가운데 삼국시대의 유물의 비중이 많다. 거기에는 동화주의와 만들어낼 필요가 있는 고대 조선의 모습을 위해서였다. 조선총독부는 침략과 동화라는 이중적인 요소를 통해 식민 지배를 위한 이데올로기의 선전도구로 조선총독부박물관을 만들었던 것이다.

Government-General museum of Chosun had a plan to build complex museum since 1915 at the time museum established. However, it was just an illusion. The reality was just a place to make the people of Chosun into the subjects of Japanese Empire. Government-General museum of Chosun classified itself as a historical museum. On the other hand, there is an essential problem. First of all, Chosun’s museum system made by policy maker or scholars which meant it was product of cultural policy by Japanese imperialism. Second, exhibition and collections could not make its origins clear with outcomes from investigating historical remains, donation, purchased but more like supporting evidence to distort historical understanding. Third, Government-General museum of Chosun lead the whole ruling colony with historical culture system. In particular, they were in the middle of historical distorts throughout consolidation and systematization. Since the establishment, in 1915, Government-General museum of Chosun did not exist as independent. They were under the general affairs bureau from the beginning. Since then, there had been alternation of position but still they were under bureau. Until the closing because of Japan’s defeat, administrative official from Government-General museum of Chosun was the leader of museum and he generalized all the tasks. Eventually, the place did scan and have administration was the Government-General museum of Chosun. The tasks that normally Government-General museum of Chosun did was exhibition, custody, inspection, investigation of historical remains. Those were managing buried cultural assets and various kinds of researches. With this, a year after foundation(1916), Government-General museum of Chosun devoted to historical distortion’s basis throughout reports of processing excavation and plan and as a central agency. All the relics from Government-General museum of Chosun in 1915 were from GongjinHyoe in large; GongjinHyoe’s hand over things, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the accounting session’s charged antiquities, the compilation of Ministry of Home Affairs, investigated and collected antiques, missed articles in custody from councilor, articles of the investigating historical remains, and purchased antiquities. Most of these were placed in great deal of weight in the age of Three States. Because there was a purpose for the assimilation and the perversion of the ancient Chosun’s features. Government-General of Chosun built Government-General museum of Chosun for two important factors; aggressions and assimilation. It was for ideology’s instrument of propaganda. Henceforth, Government-General museum of Chosun had historical limitation.

Government-General museum of Chosun had a plan to build complex museum since 1915 at the time museum established. However, it was just an illusion. The reality was just a place to make the people of Chosun into the subjects of Japanese Empire. Government-General museum of Chosun classified itself as a historical museum. On the other hand, there is an essential problem. First of all, Chosun’s museum system made by policy maker or scholars which meant it was product of cultural policy by Japanese imperialism. Second, exhibition and collections could not make its origins clear with outcomes from investigating historical remains, donation, purchased but more like supporting evidence to distort historical understanding. Third, Government-General museum of Chosun lead the whole ruling colony with historical culture system. In particular, they were in the middle of historical distorts throughout consolidation and systematization. Since the establishment, in 1915, Government-General museum of Chosun did not exist as independent. They were under the general affairs bureau from the beginning. Since then, there had been alternation of position but still they were under bureau. Until the closing because of Japan’s defeat, administrative official from Government-General museum of Chosun was the leader of museum and he generalized all the tasks. Eventually, the place did scan and have administration was the Government-General museum of Chosun. The tasks that normally Government-General museum of Chosun did was exhibition, custody, inspection, investigation of historical remains. Those were managing buried cultural assets and various kinds of researches. With this, a year after foundation(1916), Government-General museum of Chosun devoted to historical distortion’s basis throughout reports of processing excavation and plan and as a central agency. All the relics from Government-General museum of Chosun in 1915 were from GongjinHyoe in large; GongjinHyoe’s hand over things, the Ministry of Home Affairs and the accounting session’s charged antiquities, the compilation of Ministry of Home Affairs, investigated and collected antiques, missed articles in custody from councilor, articles of the investigating historical remains, and purchased antiquities. Most of these were placed in great deal of weight in the age of Three States. Because there was a purpose for the assimilation and the perversion of the ancient Chosun’s features. Government-General of Chosun built Government-General museum of Chosun for two important factors; aggressions and assimilation. It was for ideology’s instrument of propaganda. Henceforth, Government-General museum of Chosun had historical limitation.