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1945년 한국은 해방이 되었으나 미국에 의해 군정이 실시됨으로써 해방이 자주독립국가 건설로 바로 연결되지는 못했다. 미군의 군정 실시는 2차대전의 경험에 의한 것이었으나 한국에서의 군정은 군정요원의 부족 등으로 전술부대와 긴밀한 관계에서 진행되었다. 이러한 군정의 성격은 초기 군정관료의 임용과정에서도 그대로 드러났다. 초기 군정 참여자는 미군장교, 사병이 중심이었으며 민간인의 비율은 매우 낮았다. 그러나 미군관료는 점차 한국인 관료로 교체되었으며 교체된 한국인 관료들은 점차 지위가 강화되어갔다. 군정기구에 임용된 한국인들 특히 고위 관료들은 우익적인 인사들이었으며, 나아가 친한민당 출신들이었다. 그리고 이들은 반공이데올로기 강화를 적극적으로 수행할 조건들을 가지고 있었다. 이러한 조건들은 이북 출신자, 미국 유학경험자, 기독교 출신자 등의 비율이 높다는 것과 밀접한 관계가 있다. 이와 같은 관료의 성격을 가지고 온 요인으로 꼽을 수 있는 것은 미군정의 추천이라는 관료임용방식과 그 과정에 의한 것이라 할 수 있다. 즉 미군정은 군정기구에 좌익세력의 진출을 막기 위해 우익인사들로 구성된 고문위원회를 적극적으로 활용하여 이들을 통해 관료들을 충원하였다. 그러므로 충원된 관료들은 친한민당, 친미적이었으며 동시에 반공주의적 성향을 가지고 있었다. 이와 같은 방식으로 등용된 관료들은 미군정의 성격을 결정지었으며 나아가 대한민국의 성격 형성에까지 영향을 미쳤다고 할 수 있다.

In 1945, Korea has become independent from Japan, but put under military government by the USA. The U.S. The operation of U.S. Army Military Government in Korea(USAMGIK) was based on the World War Ⅱ's experience. but USAMGIK was progressed by the close relationship with tactical corps because of the understrength of military government personnels. Like this military administration characteristics were just found in the initial progress of military adminstration official appointment. In the early step, participants of military administration officers were almost American soldiers and privates, and the rate of general people were very low. American officers had been changed to Korean officers, and these were raised gradually to high position. Korean officers appointed in military administration especially high position were in right wing, and also pro-Korean Democratic Party. They had inclination to force anti-communism ideology. Like this condition appeared in the rate of people born in North-Korea, Christian, and etc. These official characteristics had induced from the appointment method by the American administration and the progress. In other words, the USAMGIK made use of the Board of Adviser to block off the Left in the military organization. They recommended largely the Right included pro-Korean Democratic Party and pro-American persons. However, they shared the common background under ideology of anti-communism. In this progress, appointed officials had decided the characteristic of American military administration and more influenced so many ways to mould the characteristics of Korea.

In 1945, Korea has become independent from Japan, but put under military government by the USA. The U.S. The operation of U.S. Army Military Government in Korea(USAMGIK) was based on the World War Ⅱ's experience. but USAMGIK was progressed by the close relationship with tactical corps because of the understrength of military government personnels. Like this military administration characteristics were just found in the initial progress of military adminstration official appointment. In the early step, participants of military administration officers were almost American soldiers and privates, and the rate of general people were very low. American officers had been changed to Korean officers, and these were raised gradually to high position. Korean officers appointed in military administration especially high position were in right wing, and also pro-Korean Democratic Party. They had inclination to force anti-communism ideology. Like this condition appeared in the rate of people born in North-Korea, Christian, and etc. These official characteristics had induced from the appointment method by the American administration and the progress. In other words, the USAMGIK made use of the Board of Adviser to block off the Left in the military organization. They recommended largely the Right included pro-Korean Democratic Party and pro-American persons. However, they shared the common background under ideology of anti-communism. In this progress, appointed officials had decided the characteristic of American military administration and more influenced so many ways to mould the characteristics of Korea.