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세종은 1397년에 태종과 원경왕후 민씨의 3남으로 출생하였고, 1418년에 왕세자로 책봉된 후 태종의 양위를 받아 조선 제4대 왕으로 즉위하였으며, 1450년에 훙서하였다. 세종은 천성이 총민․근면하고 학문에 독실하였으며, 정치식견과 의지․결단력, 즉 성군의 자질을 구비하였다. 세종은 재위기간을 통하여 당뇨와 중풍 등으로 고통을 겪고 왕비와 아들들이 죽는 불행을 겪었지만, 이를 극복하고 정사에 진력하여 문물제도를 집성함은 물론 부국강병을 실현하고 민생을 증진시키는 성과를 거두었다. 세종은 국왕이 중심이 된 국정운영체제를 정립하였고, 국정을 분장한 육조를 직접으로 지휘하면서나 국정의 서정을 통령하도록 된 의정부를 지휘하면서 모든 국정을 총령하였다. 세종은 집현전을 중심으로 인재를 육성하고 문물제도를 정비하였고, 유능한 인물을 적재적소에 제수하고 능력을 발휘하게 함으로써 문물제도 전반을 정리하였고, 부국강병과 민생증진을 이룩하였다. 세종은 한글창제, 공법과 복지정책 실시, 외관의 임기연장과 근무자세 신칙 등을 통하여 하층민의 문화를 발전시키고 민심을 안정 및 경제생활을 증진시켰다. 세종은 4군6진을 개척하고 그곳에 남도민을 이주시키고 대명․대외관계를 정착시킴으로서 압록강~두만강의 북방 국경이 확립되었고, 남북국경이 안정되면서 대외적인 평화가 정착되었다. 요컨대 세종은 탁월한 성품․식견을 토대로 민본적인 국왕상을 체득하고 정사에 전력하여 성세를 이룩함과 동시에 왕권을 안정시킴은 물론 조선왕조 발전과 지속의 확고한 기반을 구축하였으며, 현 한국의 문화․영토의 토대를 구축하였다고 하겠다.

King Sejong was born in 1397 as the third son of first King Taeso(太祖). After being recruited as the crown prince, he became the fourth king of Chosun dynasty in 1418 and died 1450. Being intelligent and sincere and having a great passion on the study, a strong will, a great knowledge in politics, he had the quality of a Great King. Although Sejong suffered from the diabetes and the paralysis and from the death of his wife and several sons at the later part of his life, he overcame the difficulty and made his best to do well politics. So he restored the national political stability and improved greatly the living standard of the people. He governed all governmental affairs by directing the Six Ministeries(六曹) which shared the state's affairs from first year to 17th year of his reign. After 18th year, he treated state affairs by directing the Euijungbu(議政府) directly or indirectly through his crown prince. By forming state personnel and assigning the right man in the right place for the purpose of helping them deploy their capacity, he achieved a synthesis of all state institutions such as the confucianism ceremony and developed greatly the learning of musics, astrology and medicine. . He created the Hangul, executed the comprehensive welfare politics. By forming the Hangkyo(provincial school) and making the exterior officials to work for the long period, he developed the culture of the low class people as well as improving the overall level of the people. He made the habitants of the southern part of the country to move forwards the regions newly exploited by exploiting the 4 counties(四郡) and 6 defense centers(六鎭) which extended our frontier to the Yalu River and Duman river. So he established a peaceful system through the favourable relationship with the Ming and the Japan dynasty. In brief, after achieving the talent as the basic attitude of king for only the people, based upon the excellent character and knowledge, he improved the living level of the people and established the strong ground for the development of the Chosun dynasty as well as making the royal authority stable. These achievements became the basis of the present korean culture and territory.