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대상판결은 종래 상사법학에서 논란이 되어온, 기업인수계약상 이른바 진술⋅보증약정위반에 관하여 인수인이 악의였던 경우 그 책임을 물을 수 있는지, 즉 이른바샌드배깅의 허용 여부에 대하여 이를 긍정한 최초의 대법원 판결이다. 대상판결은민법상 담보책임법은 사안과 무관함을 전제한 채 계약의 문언해석과 신의칙의 엄격한 적용으로부터 이와 같은 결론을 도출하고 있다. 그러나 일반적으로 기업인수계약에 관하여, 특히 기업하자에 대하여 담보책임법을 적용할 수 있고, 적용함이 타당하며, 그와 같이 보는 한 단순한 진술⋅보증 및 진술⋅보증약정에 대하여도 담보책임법을 적용하는 것이 자연스럽다. 그리고 그러한 한 민법 제580조 제1항 단서 또한적어도 악의의 인수인의 담보책임 추급을 차단하는 한도에서는 진술⋅보증약정에적용되어야 한다. 이상의 결론은 민법 제580조 제1항이 아닌 신의칙에 의하는 때에도달라질 수 없다. 이는 대체로 원심판결의 태도와 비슷하고, 비교법적으로 지지받는접근이기도 하다. 그럼에도 불구하고 대상판결의 결론은 타당하다. 이는 대상판결의 사안이 통상적인 인수인 악의사안이 아니라 양도인과 인수인 쌍방이 동일한 담합행위에 가담하였다는 점이 기업하자가 된 경우였기 때문이다. 이처럼 쌍방이 악의인 때에는 제580조제1항은 적용될 여지가 없고, 원칙으로 돌아와 계약의 문언에 충실하게 해석하여야하는 것이다.

In a decision on October 15. 2015 (2012da64253), the Supreme Court of Korea had an opportunity to address the so-called ‘sandbagging’ issue in the friendly merger and acquisition (M&A). In that case, the claimant made a share (stock) purchase contract with the defendants to acquire the control of an oil company, by which the defendants provided a series of ‘representations and warranties (R&W)’ to the claimant, including a ‘R&W’ that the target had not violated any regulation. The target, however, had involved in a series of collusive tenders. The Korean Fair Trading Commission investigated this oil-cartel and imposed a great amount of fine on the target company. The claimant sued for damages from the breach of the ‘R&W.’ The defendants argued that the claimant, which had participated in that cartel, had known the target company’s violation of Korean anti-trust law and had not relied on the aforementioned ‘R&W.’ The Court did not accept this defence on the ground that a contract interpretation should adhere to the plain meaning of its text and that a good faith and fair dealing defence should be cautiously applied. This decision seems to presuppose that the ‘R&W’ is not an agreement to modify the warranty liability in Korean contract law [Korean Civil Code (KCC) §§ 570 ff.] but an independent agreement to adjust the purchase prise. The reasoning of the decision is flawed. A thorough examination of the warranty liability in Korean contract law, the phenomenology of ‘R&W’ in M&A trade and the meaning of it in American contract law shows that the provisions of KCC on warranty liability should be also applied to ‘R&W’ so that a buyer which knew the harm of the corporation, the violation of anti-trust law, and disbelieved ‘R&W’ on contracting cannot sue for damages from the breach of it [KCC § 580 (1)]. The conclusion of the decision is, however, still agreeable. In the case before the court, not only the buyers, the defendants, but also the seller, the claimant, knew the violation and the other parties’ bad faith because both parties formed the same cartel. Considering the ratio of KCC § 580 (1) or anti-sandbagging (default) clause, this defence cannot be applied to the cases where both parties did not rely on the ‘R&W’, or even worse, a complicity to participate in the same cartel. In conclusion, the holding of this decision should not be applied to the typical sandbagging cases where only the buyer had bad faith and not the seller.