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‘중화민족의 위대한 부흥(中華民族偉大復興)’과 ‘세계대국(global power)’으로의 부활을 꿈꾸는 중국에게 있어서 항공모함 보유를 통한 ‘힘의 투사력(power projection)’ 확대는 포기할 수 없는 목표이다. 중국 최초의 항공모함으로 기록될 바랴그(Varyag)호(중국명 미정)의 등장은 중국지도부가 추구하는 ‘지정학적 외연확장’ 및 ‘군사과학기술적 성취’의 동인이 복합적으로 작용한 결과이다. 동아시아는 물론 세계적 차원에서 경쟁하게 될 미국과의 경쟁구도를 고려할 때, 중국지도부의 첨단 항공모함 보유에 대한 열망은 날이 갈수록 증대될 수밖에 없다. 중국의 항공모함 보유와 해군력 증강은 우리나라에도 적잖은 함의와 시사점을 제공한다. 특히 주변국의 공격형 전략무기에 대응하여 순항크루즈미사일 개발 등 ‘비대칭전력’을 강화함으로써 ‘고슴도치’와 같은 독자적 억지력을 확보할 필요가 제기된다.

China’s first aircraft carrier set sail from Dalian Port on its maiden voyage. The carrier, formerly called the Varyag, is a Soviet-era platform that China purchased from Ukraine without the engines, rudder, and much of the operating systems. An aircraft carrier is widely viewed by Chinese as a symbol of national power and prestige. PLA officers often remind foreigners that China is the only permanent member of the UN Security Council without a carrier. At the same time, however, the procurement of the carrier is a consequence of an improved continental threat environment that has imposed constraints on China’s ability to develop sea power. China is reportedly already building at least one if not two indigenous aircraft carriers, which are likely to be deployed over the next 15 years. Experts have suggested that China would need at least three carriers for effective power projection. However the missions for which China might use aircraft carriers remain unclear. China’s neighbors, many of which are increasingly anxious about China’s military modernization and willingness to flex its muscles in disputed waters, are worried that a carrier will provide China with additional means to project power from its coastline. It will likely reinforce ongoing efforts by many regional countries to shore up their own capabilities. Korea must also come up with a security strategy and an action plan against China's growing military aspirations. We cannot have the ambition of matching its forces as a challenge to a regional power, but we should at least secure our own deterrence capabilities.