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본 연구에서는 총체적인 관점에서 타지키스탄의 고려인에 초점을 맞추어 난민이주 이전의 타지키스탄 내전 당시 고려인들의 상황에서 시작하여 난민이주 이후 러시아에서 타지키스탄 고려인들의 이주와 정착 등 타지키스탄 고려인들이 겪은 전체적인 일련의 사회경제적 과정을 다루고 있다. 타지키스탄의 고려인들은 구소련의 해체 이후 우즈베키스탄 및 기타 중앙아시아 지역에서의 경제적 어려움, 자민족중심주의 등으로 러시아로 이주하고 있는 고려인들과는 또 다른 성격을 가지고 있다. 즉 우즈베키스탄 고려인들과는 달리 타지키스탄 고려인들은 난민의 성격이 강하게 남아 있는 것이다. 지역적인 갈등과 민족적, 그리고 종교적인 갈등이 복합적으로 작용하여 발생한 타지키스탄 내전으로 고려인들 거의 대다수가 모든 것을 내팽개치고 타지키스탄에서 대부분 러시아로 난민이주를 해왔다. 타지키스탄 출신 고려인들은 볼고그라드주의 정착 지역에서 스레즈나야 아흐투바에 주로 집중되어 있는 반면, 우즈베키스탄 출신 고려인들은 니콜라예프스키에 집거하고 있는 점에서 차이가 있었다. 그러나 중앙아시아 고려인들이 공유하는 유사한 성격이 여전히 많이 보인다. 먼저 이주과정에서도 타지키스탄 출신 고려인들은 여타 중앙아시아 출신 고려인들의 이주와 상당히 유사함을 알 수 있다. 예를 들어, 연고지를 통해 이주지를 선정하는 점, 상당수의 타지키스탄 출신 고려인들이 가족과 친척 또는 같은 마을 출신들과 함께 대규모로 이주하고 있는 점도 자주 발견된다. 이러한 배경으로 이들은 이주지에서 집단적으로 브리가다를 형성하여 농사일과 생활을 집단적으로 영위하고 있는 점이 눈에 띈다. 그리고 현지에서 종사하는 직종이 대부분 농작물 재배나 야채 판매 등 중앙아시아 및 러시아 고려인들의 직종과 상당히 유사하다. 이러한 집단성은 현지 볼고그라드주의 고려인협회 활동에서도 타지키스탄 고려인들이 적극적으로 참여하고 있는 점과 연관시켜서 생각해 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 타지키스탄 고려인들이 타지키스탄에서 오랜 기간 거주하였기 때문에 고려인들의 성향이 많이 바뀔 수도 있는 만큼 현지 타지크의 관습에 많이 노출되었다. 따라서 고려인과 타지크인 사이의 이러한 흥미로운 문화접변 현상은 향후 연구에서 더욱 밝혀질 필요가 있다고 본다.

The goal of this study is to investigate the migration processes of the ethnic Korean refugees in Tajikistan, who fled to the southern Russian region due to the civil war in Tajikistan in the 1990s, focusing on the socio-economic aspects. Since the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the Korean diasporas in Central Asia, especially in Uzbekistan, have been migrating to the other CIS countries since they have enormously suffered from their economic and ethnic difficulties. The Korean migrants from Tajikistan, however, are different from their brethrens in other Central Asian regions in that they are refugees of the civil war from 1992 to 1997. And in a large sense the possibility of their return to their original residence looks pretty slim. The ethnic Korean refugees in Tajikistan fled their original settlements because of the Tajik civil war, which took place due to the complicated regional, ethnic, nationalistic and religious rivalries in the country. Many of those refugees moved to the Sredneakhtubinskiy raion in Volgograd oblast, Russia, while other Koreans from Uzbekistan in particular concentrated in the Nikolaevskiy raion in the same Volgograd oblast. There are several similarities and differences among the various ethnic Korean migrants from Central Asia to the southern Russian region. For instance, most of ethnic Korean migrants share network migration, for instance. That is, the destination of their movement is largely shaped by the family experiences, or migration is carried out along with their family members or relatives. In addition, agricultural activities of the Korean immigrants in brigade or team are divided among their family members alone rather than among other workers. Therefore, agricultural works in a new destination have been organized on the basis of the family, emphasizing the characteristics of a group. The ethnic Koreans from Tajikistan, in particular, tend to be more engaged in group activities such as an active engagement in the Korean associations in their new destination. Finally, the Tajik Korean refugees, who had resided in Tajikistan for a long time, might have been exposed to a original Tajik tradition, which emphasizes a group. Therefore this kind of acculturation of the ethnic Koreans raises the need for a new research on the ethnic Tajikistan Koreans in the future.

The goal of this study is to investigate the migration processes of the ethnic Korean refugees in Tajikistan, who fled to the southern Russian region due to the civil war in Tajikistan in the 1990s, focusing on the socio-economic aspects. Since the breakdown of the Soviet Union, the Korean diasporas in Central Asia, especially in Uzbekistan, have been migrating to the other CIS countries since they have enormously suffered from their economic and ethnic difficulties. The Korean migrants from Tajikistan, however, are different from their brethrens in other Central Asian regions in that they are refugees of the civil war from 1992 to 1997. And in a large sense the possibility of their return to their original residence looks pretty slim. The ethnic Korean refugees in Tajikistan fled their original settlements because of the Tajik civil war, which took place due to the complicated regional, ethnic, nationalistic and religious rivalries in the country. Many of those refugees moved to the Sredneakhtubinskiy raion in Volgograd oblast, Russia, while other Koreans from Uzbekistan in particular concentrated in the Nikolaevskiy raion in the same Volgograd oblast. There are several similarities and differences among the various ethnic Korean migrants from Central Asia to the southern Russian region. For instance, most of ethnic Korean migrants share network migration, for instance. That is, the destination of their movement is largely shaped by the family experiences, or migration is carried out along with their family members or relatives. In addition, agricultural activities of the Korean immigrants in brigade or team are divided among their family members alone rather than among other workers. Therefore, agricultural works in a new destination have been organized on the basis of the family, emphasizing the characteristics of a group. The ethnic Koreans from Tajikistan, in particular, tend to be more engaged in group activities such as an active engagement in the Korean associations in their new destination. Finally, the Tajik Korean refugees, who had resided in Tajikistan for a long time, might have been exposed to a original Tajik tradition, which emphasizes a group. Therefore this kind of acculturation of the ethnic Koreans raises the need for a new research on the ethnic Tajikistan Koreans in the future.