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1990년 몽골과 한국 수교 시에 우리는 1960년경의 북한과 중국 고고학자들의 훌룬부이르 몽골스텝과 눈강(嫩江)평원 공동발굴 결과와 당시의 북한유학생 베. 수미아바아타르의 한국몽골학회 동참으로, 몽골과 한국이 동북아시아 유목제국의 자궁인 이 지대에서 함께 유목세력 주도의 농경민 통합으로 유목제국 고올리칸국(고구려)을 세운 다음에 여기서 각각 서~남과 동~북 쪽으로 갈려나갔다는 견해에 기반을 두고, 이를 특히 현지답사를 통해 고증하고 논증해보려는 시도를 하게 됐다. 그 동안 오랜 현지 탐사를 통해 몽·한양국이 순록유목에서 기마 양유목으로 발전하는 과정에서 훌룬부이르~눈강(呼嫩)평원에 창업되었고 고올리칸국은 다시 기마 양유목제국과 목농제국으로 각각 분화했다는 결론을 나름대로 도출해보았다. 그 구체적인 과정으로 조선·부여·고구려의 역사적 발전을 상정해보기도 했다. 이런 연구과정에서 특히 외·대·소흥안령지대의 순록유목과 기마 양유목을 비교·연구하고 이를 다시 동~서와 남~북의 비유목 “T”자형 백두대간권지대의 생태권과 비교·검토하면서 각각 유목의 농경화 및 농경의 유목화과정의 역사적 진척에 주목케 됐다. 유목가축 순록과 양, 순록의 주식 이끼-선(蘚: Niokq=Lichen)과 유목목초지 선(鮮: Sopka) 및 양의 주식 양초(羊草)와 목초지 스텝 연구가 전무한 우리 학회의 현실을 절감케 되어 이를 극복하는데 특히 주목하게 됐다. 그 결과 朝族과 鮮族이 통합돼 朝鮮(Chao xian)을 이루고 조선은 순록유목에서 양유목으로 발전하는 초입에 호랑이와 거북이의 생존이 가능한 태평양 海風圈 훌룬부이르~눈강평원권에서 창업되었으며, 그것이 스키타이의 철기문명을 수용하는 기원 전후의 시기에 濊貊 연합체인 조선·부여가 貊族 주도 하에 몽골스텝 쪽으로 발전해가면서 기마 양유목제국인 貊고올리(Maek Gooli: 貊高麗=맥‘활’)제국을 창업케 됐다는 잠정적인 결론을 내렸다. 이에서 그 핵심적인 지도부를 중심으로 각각의 역사적 배경에 따라 현실적 생태에 적응적 진화를 거듭하면서 각각 유목민과 목농민으로 다시 분화해가게 됐다고 보았다. 스키타이(Scythia)와 사하(Saxa)나 조선의 선(鮮: Soyon)이 모두가 순록유목민의 주식인 젖을 주는 암순록(투르크어: Сагаион~다구르어: Sugan)에서 유래한 이름이며 철기의 수용과 함께 이것이 기마 양유목으로 발전해가서 貊高麗를 창업해냈다는 결론을 나름대로 내리게 되었다. 이와 함께 유목몽골사 연구를 초지일관해 지향해온 연구팀을 중심으로 몽·한 유목제국창업 핵심주류 ‘코리족’(弓族)의 유목태반 기원론을, 『欽定滿洲原流考나 丁謙의 地理攷證書 등을 참조해가며 다시 20여 년간의 유목유적 현장연구를 통해 가다듬어본 셈이다.

We set out to investigate a very compelling hypothesis about the birth of the two nations when diplomatic relations were established between Mongolia and Korea in 1990. At the time, our hypothesis was that Mongolia and Korea had originated from the nomadic Kingdom of Goolikhan (or Goguryeo) founded by nomads who also embraced farming, and that it later became divided with one group heading southwest and the other northeast. This hypothesis was conceived based on the findings of the joint exploration of the Hulunbuir Mongol steppe and the Nun River Plain effectuated by a group of North Korean and Chinese archeologists in the 1960s as well as on the enlightened views of B. Sumiyabaatar, who was studying in North Korea at the time. Extensive research led the researchers to conclude that the Goolikhan Kingdom was established across Hulunbuir and the Nun River Plain as the nomads shifted from reindeer herding to sheep herding on horseback. It was then divided into an empire of sheep herders on horseback on the one hand, and an empire based on nomadic agriculture on the other. We also explored the historical evolution of Chosǒn (Joseon), Buyeǒ, and Goguryeǒ in connection to this hypothesis. In carrying out this research we have come to comparatively explore the two kinds of nomadism in the greater Xiao Xing’anling Mountains area and the area outside of it between the one focused on reindeer herding and the other consisting mainly of sheep herding on horseback. We have further compared the latter form of nomadism with the non-nomadic life in the T-shaped BaekduDaegan area, which drew our attention to the agricultural adaptation of nomadism and the nomadic adaptation of agriculture. In conducting this study, we discovered that very little research has been done in the Korean academia about the major livestock—such as reindeer and sheep—and their primary source of nutrition, lichen—called ‘niokq’ in the local language and written ‘蘚’, which is pronounced ‘xian’ in Chinese and ‘sǒn(seon)’ in Korean—the grazing pasture called ‘sopka’ in Russian—written ‘鮮’ which is also pronounced ‘sǒn(seon)’ in Korean—the grass preferred by sheep and the steppe on which they feasted. We have worked to fill this vacuum and come to the conclusion that the Cho-Chao[Jo] Tribe (朝族) and the Sǒn-Xian(Seon) Tribe (鮮族) united to form Chosǒn[Joseon] (朝鮮 pronounced ‘Chao Xian’ in Chinese) in the expanses of Hulunbuir and the Nun River Plain, an area reachable by the Pacific ocean winds and inhabitable for both tigers and turtles. This took place as nomads evolved from reindeer to sheep herding. This group of nomads, we argue, had spread into the Mongolian steppes around the time they came in contact with the Scythian iron civilization, and founded the Gooli Empire, an empire of horse-riding sheep herders. Furthermore, we argue that the core elites in adapting to their natural environment and building on their historical legacy evolved over time and divided themselves into nomads and herding farmers. Scythia, Saxa, and the Sǒn-Xian[Seon] (鮮: Soyon) all originate from the word for female reindeer—‘Сагаион’ in Turkish and ‘Sugan’ in Dagur. We argue that these groups embraced iron-making, which helped them venture into sheep herding on horseback. Based on over 20 years of field research and critical reviews of literature such as QindingManzhouyuanliukao(欽定滿洲原流考, Studies in the Detailed History of the Manchus)as well as Qian Ding’s Di li kaozhengshu(地理攷證書, Book of Geography and History), our team of researchers dedicated to the history of Mongolian nomadism has as such refined the theory that nomadism was the Qori(弓: Bow) Tribe’s womb from which the Mongolian and Korean empires were born [Chu Chae Hyok(Excecutive Committee member on the Korean side of the International Association for Mongol Study)].

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

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Nomadic Roots, the Hulunbuir Mongol Steppe and the Nun River Plain (呼嫩平原), Steppe Pastoral nomadic empire, Empire maritime industry, Reindeer herding nomads, Sheep herding on horseback, Lichen(蘚: Niokq in the local language), ‘Sǒn(Seon)’ in Korean(鮮: Sopka in Russian: 小山), the Cho-Chao Tribe (朝 族), the Sǒn(Seon) Tribe (鮮族), Maek Tribe(貊族), Ye Tribe(濊族), Chaatang: Reindeer herding nomads, the non-nomadic life in the T-shaped BaekduDaegan area, Qori(弓: Bow) Tribe, the Gooli (高句麗~‘高麗’=弓: Bow)Pastoral nomadic Empire, the empire of horse-riding sheep herders