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본 논문은 체호프의 Пари (내기) 텍스트가 어떤 방식으로 타공간 갈망 증후군을 파격적으로 변형시켰는지에 대해 분석해보았다. 타공간 갈망 증후군의 본질은 정신적이고 생리적인 함정, 안과/밖, 내부/외부라는 이분법적 위상을 통해 지식과 소통의 커뮤니케이션, 욕망과 발작과 같은 논점들을 직접적으로 취급할 수 있도록 하는 체호프 고유의 문학적인 고안이라고 할 수 있다. 체호프의 내기 텍스트에 투영된 인간상황을 서사하기 위해 타공간 갈망 증후군이라는 비평언어를 사용할 때, 이를 체호프의 텍스트들 중 어떤 주인공이 방안에 갇혀 절대 고립에 처해 있는 텍스트에만 적용시킬 수 없다. 왜냐하면 타공간 갈망 증후군은 인간조건의 하나의 결과물이기 때문이다.

The goal of this paper in Pari text is to examine how Chekhov's predilection towards the phenomenon of spatial division, with its psychological and physical repercussions is repeatedly presented over the course of several stories, through the same unique dramatic scenario: a person inside of a room develops a cognizance of what is happening outside of his space and reacts. Other Room Syndrome cannot be seen as the product of a phrase or as a technique conforming to a certain generic mode or tonal style. Rather it is a dramatic structure employed to maximally emphasize a set of psycho-physical conditions experienced by the central character. Other Room of INTIMACY we may relate this to the world of the senses, sound, vision, touch,taste. Other Room OPPORTUNITY we may relate this to the world of doing things and becoming someone enlarging your ego, time regained space, space enlarged, identity reputation improved. And so this humanity, this concern with existence and space and proximity and communication and spirit does not merely have to do with the mechanics of psycho spatial suffering. Ultimately this concern is what comes through in all of Chekhov's literature. And so when I use my disguise diagnosis to talk about Chekhov's depiction of the human condition, I can not just be making analyses applicable to only the stories where someone is trapped in a room. Other Room Syndrome is not a syndrome at all, not some special situation where a specific set of circumstances lead to a strange of lack and disconnection and inaccessibility. Other Room Syndrome is not a syndrome, it is rather a false diagnosis created for easy categorization and convenient analysis. A diagnosis that tried to cover up a uniquitous and permanent condition: the condition of humanity. Without the syndrome we cease to be human, because the syndrome is a result of the human condition.