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이 글의 목적은 근대성에 대한 한국불교의 대응을 원불교를 통해서 살피되, 아직까지 우리 인문학이 주목하지 않았던 대산 김대거의 삶과 문학을 중심으로 동아시아에서 발생한 평화와 구원의 사상인 원불교와 동아시아론과의 소통의 가능성을 찾아보려는 것이다. 대산은 원불교의 창시자인 소태산과 계승자인 정산의 뒤를 이은 세 번째 종법사이다. 원불교의 종지는 우주만유의 본원이며 세계를 주재하는 일원상의 진리를 깨달아 우리 모두가 마음공부에 힘써 도덕적 인간이 되고, 이를 바탕으로 광대 무량한 낙원 세계를 열어가자는 것이다. 역대의 제불조사(諸佛祖師)들이 지적했듯이 마음을 떠나 마음 밖에서 행복을 찾는 것은 어리석은 짓이며, 광대무량한 낙원 세계 역시 초월적 이상의 공간도 아니고 과학문명과 기술로 건설되어야 할 미래의 세계가 아니라 평화와 법열로 가득한 마음속의 낙원이며 그런 마음으로 이룩되어야 할 세상인 것이다. 원불교의 세 번째 지도자였던 대산은 민족 · 계급 · 인종 · 성 · 종교 등의 갈등을 극복하기 위한 방법으로 마음공부와 종교연합운동(United Religion)을 제시하여 정신문명과 과학문명이 조화를 이루는 평화의 세상을 건설하자는 일종의 도덕의 정치학을 보여주었다. 동아시아 정신사의 핵심인 유불선을 통합한 원불교의 이념과 화동의 도와 같은 대산의 평화사상은 근대 이후를 지향하는 동아시아론이 주목해야 할 중요한 연구 대상이라 할 수 있다.

There is the very purpose of this article to make a close inquiry into the possibilities that have mutual communication and link between Won-Buddhism and the East-Asian discourse through the venerable Dharma master Daesan Kim Dae-ga(1914~1998)'s thought and Dharma-literature. He was the third head master of Won-Buddhism who succeeded the venerable great master of dharma Sotaesan(1891~1943) and the Successive leader Chongsan(1900~1962)'s Dharma Seat. The essential doctrine of Won-Buddhism is based on the Il-Won, the Dharma Buddha which is the Ultimate truth of the universe, the object of faith, the model of practice, and the reality of all existence. So, let all of us believe, practice and enlighten it to come to the spiritual peace and the ideal world that we've dreamed of and staved for. According to all Buddha and enlightened Sages's dharma teaching, it is so stupid to seek after the truth and the happiness apart from each of mind. In the same manner the ideal religious world that Won-Buddhism make mention is not a transcendent space and a vague future-world established by religious providence or scientific technology but the real and mental embodied by mind practice and Buddhism-praxis. Hence, Dae san had presented the mind practice to come to the true Nirvana and the movement of United Religion to realize the world peace through cooperations with other religion. The aim and orientation of the religious practice and movement is to get over kinds of conflict among nation, class, race, gender, and religion. At this point the tenet of Won-Buddhism incorporated with Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism can be defined the new principle of peace to grope for the limitation of modern society and Dae San's thought prescribed the object of our East-Asian Discourse to be scrutinized positively.

There is the very purpose of this article to make a close inquiry into the possibilities that have mutual communication and link between Won-Buddhism and the East-Asian discourse through the venerable Dharma master Daesan Kim Dae-ga(1914~1998)'s thought and Dharma-literature. He was the third head master of Won-Buddhism who succeeded the venerable great master of dharma Sotaesan(1891~1943) and the Successive leader Chongsan(1900~1962)'s Dharma Seat. The essential doctrine of Won-Buddhism is based on the Il-Won, the Dharma Buddha which is the Ultimate truth of the universe, the object of faith, the model of practice, and the reality of all existence. So, let all of us believe, practice and enlighten it to come to the spiritual peace and the ideal world that we've dreamed of and staved for. According to all Buddha and enlightened Sages's dharma teaching, it is so stupid to seek after the truth and the happiness apart from each of mind. In the same manner the ideal religious world that Won-Buddhism make mention is not a transcendent space and a vague future-world established by religious providence or scientific technology but the real and mental embodied by mind practice and Buddhism-praxis. Hence, Dae san had presented the mind practice to come to the true Nirvana and the movement of United Religion to realize the world peace through cooperations with other religion. The aim and orientation of the religious practice and movement is to get over kinds of conflict among nation, class, race, gender, and religion. At this point the tenet of Won-Buddhism incorporated with Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism can be defined the new principle of peace to grope for the limitation of modern society and Dae San's thought prescribed the object of our East-Asian Discourse to be scrutinized positively.