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오늘날 채권의 상대성 이유로 제3자에 의한 채권침해에 대해 불법행위의 성립을 부정하지는 않는다. 오히려 채권의 본질을 수정해 가면서까지 채권자를 보호하고 있는 추세이다. 또한, 종래에는 채권침해가 불법행위가 되려면 고의가 있고 나아가 양속위반의 양태를 요구하는 것이 통례였다. 그런데 최근에는 과실불법행위의 유형도 존재한다고 하여 채권침해를 넓게 인정하고 있다. 현재 각 나라는 계약관계의 보호를 확대하려는 경향이 농후하고, 심지어는 채권침해의 분쟁유형에 따라 불법행위의 성립요건을 제시하고 있는 실정이다. 따라서 제3자에 의한 채권침해에 대해 불법행위의 성립을 인정한 만큼 처음부터 고의에 한정할 필요는 없을 것이다. 특히 현대의 채권침해의 유형은 다양하기 때문에 그로부터 생기는 모든 요소를 상세히 검토하여 개별유형별로 채권침해의 책임여부를 물어야 하듯이, 과실도 위 개별유형에 따라 구체적으로 검토되어야 할 것이다.

Today, the establishment of tort regarding the claim encroachment by third party is not denied with the reason of relativity of claim. Rather, the trend is giving protection to the creditor by modifying the essence of claim. Furthermore, the violation of public order and standards of decency was required and intent also was mandatorily provided if claim encroachment to become a tort in the past. However, the tort occurred by negligent manner is possible in recent and the scope of claim encroachment is acknowledged broadly. Currently, the permeated tendency of each country is willing to expand the protection of contract relationship and even the requirement oftort under the conflicts type of claim encroachment is presented. Therefore, the establishment of the claim encroachment by the third party is not necessarily limited within the intent because the negligently formed claim encroachment is approved. Especially, the modern type of claim encroachment is so diverse and the researcher should be asked the liability for the claim encroachment after review carefully every single element with the type of infringement and the negligently committed claim encroachment must be examined by the individual type of violation.

Today, the establishment of tort regarding the claim encroachment by third party is not denied with the reason of relativity of claim. Rather, the trend is giving protection to the creditor by modifying the essence of claim. Furthermore, the violation of public order and standards of decency was required and intent also was mandatorily provided if claim encroachment to become a tort in the past. However, the tort occurred by negligent manner is possible in recent and the scope of claim encroachment is acknowledged broadly. Currently, the permeated tendency of each country is willing to expand the protection of contract relationship and even the requirement oftort under the conflicts type of claim encroachment is presented. Therefore, the establishment of the claim encroachment by the third party is not necessarily limited within the intent because the negligently formed claim encroachment is approved. Especially, the modern type of claim encroachment is so diverse and the researcher should be asked the liability for the claim encroachment after review carefully every single element with the type of infringement and the negligently committed claim encroachment must be examined by the individual type of violation.