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본 연구는 동아시아 경제위기 이후 일본이 동아시아 통화ㆍ금융협력정책을 시행하게 된 동인, 구상, 한계를 고찰하는 데 그 목적이 있다. 그리고 이를 바탕으로 일본의 동아시아 통화ㆍ금융협력정책의 성격을 규명하였다. 동아시아 경제위기라는 외형적 반응을 통해 이루어진 일본의 통화ㆍ금융협력정책은 동아시아에서 AMF 제안, 신미야자와 구상, 국가 간 통화스왑제도 구축 제안, 아시아 채권시장 육성 제안 등 주도적 선도적 역할을 하였다. 그러나 이러한 통화ㆍ금융협력 구상들의 협력의 당위성, 이행과정의 설명, 경제적 기능의 분석에 관한 구체적인 설명을 찾아보기는 어려웠다. 또한 이러한 통화ㆍ금융협력은 일본 스스로의 선택이라는 사실은 높게 평가할 만하나, 독립적 외교정책을 추구하기 위한 의지는 다소 부족하였다. 통화ㆍ금융협력의 구상들이 미국의 영향력에 의해 좌절되거나, 미국의 금융질서를 존중하는 선에서 그 정책이 이루어졌다. 따라서 일본의 통화ㆍ금융협력정책의 성격은 수동적-협력형 모델이라 할 수 있다.

A purpose of this study is to analyze the Japanese role toward East Asian monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation since East Asian economic crisis in 1997. East Asian monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation idea of Japan was planned by reaction of East Asian economic crisis in 1997. Japan played an important role of monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation through AMF proposal, New Miyazawa Initiative, Chiang Mai Initiative, Asia Bond Markets Initiative and so on. However, in these cooperation polices, hardly any systematic statement of the purpose, logic and mechanism of the initiative seemed to exit. Documents of these cooperation policies just stated how much money would go through a certain channels, how much money in different channels, and so forth. A general problem of Japanese financial diplomacy is that it is seldom articulate. And then most of all important, these cooperations were interfered with the power of US influence. The policy of Japanese monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation in East Asia was a passive cooperation model.

A purpose of this study is to analyze the Japanese role toward East Asian monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation since East Asian economic crisis in 1997. East Asian monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation idea of Japan was planned by reaction of East Asian economic crisis in 1997. Japan played an important role of monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation through AMF proposal, New Miyazawa Initiative, Chiang Mai Initiative, Asia Bond Markets Initiative and so on. However, in these cooperation polices, hardly any systematic statement of the purpose, logic and mechanism of the initiative seemed to exit. Documents of these cooperation policies just stated how much money would go through a certain channels, how much money in different channels, and so forth. A general problem of Japanese financial diplomacy is that it is seldom articulate. And then most of all important, these cooperations were interfered with the power of US influence. The policy of Japanese monetaryㆍfinancial cooperation in East Asia was a passive cooperation model.