초록 열기/닫기 버튼

Experiences of Koreans in the 20th century have given Korean social scientists good sources for social scientific imagination, insights and wisdoms and Korean social scientists have potentialities and energy to develop world class social science. Korean social science itself, however, did not yet show its leadership to reflect the past of Korea, to correctly describe the current crisis of Korean society and to present the future vision. Because of this kind of defective leadership, Korean social science has suffered from the lack of predictability, the scarcity of imagination, the dearth of vocation(beruf), and the crisis of identity. Therefore, Korean social science has to engage itself in several projects to overcome the crisis. First, Korean social scientists have to launch the project of ‘the globalization of Korean social science’ for raising the level of Korean social science to world class social science. Second, Korean social scientist have to develop creative social science that can diagnose, predict, and prescribe for dynamic Korea.

키워드열기/닫기 버튼

South Korea, social science, crisis, globalization, imagination